Added Info FINE GARDENING #14 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 6
Starting a rock garden. Layers of rock and well-drained soil make a home for alpine plants.
FINE GARDENING #14 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 54
Gardening on bedrock. How to create a ledge garden that takes root on granite.
FINE GARDENING #18 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 60
An inspired alpine garden. A description of the creation of a front yard rock garden with alpine plants.
FINE GARDENING #49 May-Jun 1996 pg. 39
Sculpting a garden amid stone. Wisconsin gardener describes solutions for planting in a rocky site.
FINE GARDENING #59 Jan-Feb 1998 pg. 30
Creating a canyon from scratch. How to place stones as nature might, then create planting pockets and miniature reflecting pools.
FINE GARDENING #62 Jul-Aug 1998 pg. 30
A place for plants that's up against the wall. How to use a rock garden as a foundation planting.
FINE GARDENING #64 Nov-Dec 1998 pg. 51
A guide to basic, easy-care perennials for rock gardens.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr 1980 (v.24#4) pg. 28
How to create a rock garden. Includes instructions for constructing a dry stone retaining wall.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1986 (v.30#4) pg. 32
Flagstone gardening. Tips on designing a garden in which plants grow in nooks and crannies in a paved area. Describes soil preparation requirements and includes a list of appropriate plants.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1988 (v.32#3) pg. 66
Planting a sink garden. How to cover a glazed kitchen sink with a hypertufa mix, and then plant it as a miniature rock garden.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jul-Aug 1998 (v.42#4) pg. 28
Beds of stone. How to design, plant and care for a rock garden. Includes plan for a rock slope in USDA Zones 5 to 8.
GARDEN GATE #15 Jun 1997 pg. 22
Tips on dressing up a stone retaining wall with plants growing in the crevices.
GARDEN GATE #23 Oct 1998 pg. 39
Sedimental Journey. A step-by-step guide to building a better rock garden.
HARROWSMITH #80 Jul-Aug 1988 (v.13#2) pg. 40
Planting between the rocks. Tips on raising hardy alpine flowers.
HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #123 Jul-Aug 1995 (v.20) pg. 32
Creating an herbal rock garden. (1) Selecting a site, (2) preparing the soil, (3) selecting and arranging the rock, and (4) selecting the plants.
HERB COMPANION Aug-Sep 1990 (v.2#6) pg. 40
Rock-garden plants. Tips on selection.
HORTICULTURE Jun 1990 (v.68#6) pg. 52
Building an alpine or rock garden. Advice on plants for beginners.
HORTICULTURE Apr 1994 (v.72#4) pg. 34
Post-Victorian rock gardens and wall gardens. Advice on making a rock garden or wall garden and selecting plants.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL May-Jun 1988 (v.16#3) pg. 42
Rock garden primer.
ORGANIC GARDENING May 1985 (v.32#5) pg. 42
Rock styles. Create a habitat for alpine and other compact plants in any climate. How to install a rock garden and select the plants.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1990 (v.37#4) pg. 38
How to build a sand bed rock garden in a sunny area.
ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 80
How to grow a rock garden in Southern California. Includes information on site preparation and a long list of flowers, both annuals and perennials that will grow there.
SUNSET Mar 1977 (v.158#3) pg. 90