High-voltage projects SPECIAL SECTION. (1) Jacob's ladder. (2) Solid-state Tesla coil. (3) Lightning bulb (an electrical display inside an ordinary light bulb). (4) Stun gun and dazer. (5) Laser power supply. (6) Plasma globe display. (7) High-voltage pulse generator. (8) Kirlian photographs. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1990 pg. 25, 125, 127, 129
Solid state Tesla Coil can produce sparks as long as 8" with a peak output of about 100,000 volts. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 35
Solid-state version of the Tesla coil that is easier to build and safer to operate. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK Summer 1995 pg. 32
A square Tesla coil. Consists of little more than a few coils, a step-up power transformer (a 3-kV, 20-mA neon-sign transformer), and a capacitor. Plans for an optional rotary spark gap device are also included. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK 1990 pg. 13
Build an updated (solid-state) version of Nikola Tesla's famous coil. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Spring 1994 pg. 61
Solid-state version of Tesla's famous coil is easier to build and safer to operate. ELECTRONICS NOW Nov 1994 (v.65#11) pg. 61
Miscellaneous information on building a Tesla coil. ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1996 (v.67#7) pg. 29
Added Info ELECTRONICS NOW Oct 1996 (v.67#10) pg. 23
Building Teslas famous coil. A high voltage RF generator producing up to 50,000 volts. Est. cost: $50. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1967 (v.4#2) pg. 27
Build a tesla coil high voltage generator. Estimated cost: $10-$20. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1980 (v.20#3) pg. 36
Solid-state Tesla coil eliminates the line-operated, high-voltage transformer, making it a safer project to build and operate. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Oct 1988 (v.5#10) pg. 35
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 4
Large Tesla coil will give 250,000 volts. Est. cost: $30. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1964 (v.21#1) pg. 29
Small Tesla coil will give about 30,000 volts. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1964 (v.21#1) pg. 33
The square tesla coil Build this unusual version of Nikola Tesla's most famous experiment. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1989 (v.6#8) pg. 29
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1989 (v.6#11) pg. 4
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1989 (v.6#12) pg. 4
Tesla's lightning generators. How to construct and use a variety of different Tesla coils. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 29
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1990 (v.7#12) pg. 4
Fun with Tesla coils. A collection of high-voltage and wireless-energy transmission circuits. Part 1. (1) Tesla coil. (2) Resonant frequency determination of Tesla coil. (3) Variable-frequency oscillator to drive the Tesla coil. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1992 (v.9#10) pg. 69
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 4
Fun with Tesla coils. Part 2. (1) More powerful Tesla coil driver. (2) Solid-state driver. (3) Capacitor-discharge driver. (4) Regenerative capacitor-discharge driver. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1992 (v.9#11) pg. 72
Secondary uses for Tesla coils. (1) Simple AM radio receiver. (2) Lightning indicator uses an LED bargraph to show signal strength. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1996 (v.13#4) pg. 77
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1996 (v.13#7) pg. 6
Solid-state Tesla coil will output 10 kilovolts. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1996 (v.13#8) pg. 64
Solid-state DC Tesla coil project eliminates the line-operated, high-voltage transformer, making it less dangerous to operate. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1999 (v.16#11) pg. 31
A 40,000 volt Tesla coil for fun. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1964 (v.121#6) pg. 169
Simple Tesla coil is built from a flyback transformer out of a discarded TV set. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1981 (v.52#9) pg. 84
Solid-state Tesla coil can produce sparks as long as 8" with a peak output of about 100,000 volts. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1991 (v.62#9) pg. 33
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1992 (v.63#1) pg. 14
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1992 (v.63#6) pg. 14
Sources of information and supplies for building Tesla coils. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1991 (v.62#10) pg. 72
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1992 (v.63#2) pg. 14