Oversized wooden alarm clock looks like the old-fashioned style with two "bells" on top. Pieces are laminated from cherry, walnut and maple and then turned on a lathe. This is an award-winning project from a high-school student. CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jan 1986 (v.9#4) pg. 59
Sun-powered alarm clock. Uses a photoelectric detector at the bottom of a long, dark tube. When the sun gets to a position to shine straight down the tube, an alarm is sounded. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Mar 1979 (v.35#3) pg. 107
Tip on using X-10 Universal Modules (with built-in chime function) as centrally-controlled alarm clocks in several rooms. ELECTRONIC HOUSE Dec 1997 (v.12#6) pg. 72
Motorola 68705 microcontroller. (1) How to build a single-IC microprocessor system using the Motorola MC68705P3 microcomputer on a chip. (2) Build a programmer for burning software into the 68705's internal EPROM. (3) Digital alarm clock project built around the 68705 IC. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1991 pg. 83
Digital alarm clock based on the Motorola HMOS 68705P microcontroller. ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1994 (v.65#2) pg. 59
Wake-Up Caller circuit attaches to the earphone jack on a clock radio. When activated it will turn on a large bell, light bulb, etc. and serve as an effective alarm clock. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Mar 1988 (v.5#3) pg. 94
Digital alarm clock uses the MA1023 National Clock Module IC and a few other components. It is housed in a wooden case with a red plastic face to conceal the components, but still allow the digital numbers to appear. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION May-Jun 1980 (v.69#5) pg. 38
H8 alarm clock program. Program uses the nine-digit LED display and internal speaker to form the "most expensive" alarm clock on the block. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #36 Dec 1979 pg. 160
Schematic for adding an audible wake up alarm to a digital clock which uses a Radio Shack #227-1001 clock chip. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1978 (v.1#8) pg. 7
Experimenter's interface device. Part 3. Experimenting with input and output lines on a Commodore-64 computer. Projects include a sequential binary counter, alarm clock, power control, and alarm system. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1985 (v.2#3) pg. 64
Nap timer. A low-cost programmable short-time wake-up alarm for senior citizens who must take therapeutic naps. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1988 (v.5#6) pg. 56
A battery-powered pocket snooze alarm lets you nap for 5, 10, 15 or 30 minutes. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Mar 1990 (v.7#3) pg. 50
An infinite snooze alarm. Select the duration of a snooze period (up to 31 minutes) as many times as you wish. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1990 (v.7#9) pg. 50
How to add luxury features to electronic digital clocks. (1) Make your digital clock "fail-safe". (2) Add an alarm clock function. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1973 (v.4#6) pg. 59
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1974 (v.5#2) pg. 8
Use your TRS-80 computer as a timer or alarm clock. Program computer to time an event lasting up to 24 hours or to sound an alarm at any desired time. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1980 (v.18#4) pg. 72
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1981 (v.19#2) pg. 7
How to modify an AC-powered alarm clock to flash an external lamp in sequence with the pulsating alarm. Ideal for someone with a hearing disability. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1998 (v.15#10) pg. 56
Build an illuminated clock platform and night light combination for a traditional key-wound alarm clock. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1979 (v.152#5) pg. 154
Build a clock that tells the state of semidiurnal ocean tides. Includes an alarm that can be set to go off when the tide is at a particluar stage. POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1970 (v.196#2) pg. 136
How to build your own digital alarm clock with a snooze alarm, AM, PM and power indicators and an extra circuit to start a coffee pot. POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1977 (v.211#5) pg. 123
How to modify an electronic alarm clock for multiple alarms and long term alarms. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1979 (v.50#8) pg. 66
Build this talking alarm clock. Part 1. It announces the time in a pleasant female voice. Est. cost: $70. RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1983 (v.54#5) pg. 57
Build this talking alarm clock. Part 2. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1983 (v.54#7) pg. 51
68705 microcontroller. Part 2. Build a programmable alarm clock. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1989 (v.60#10) pg. 83
Globe-trotting travel clock. Make an elegant wooden case for a digital alarm-clock module. Overall dimensions: 4"x4"x1". WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #32 Mar 1993 (v.6#2) pg. 6
Cartoony alarm clock case for a quartz movement features large red feet, non-operating bells, and a clapper that appears to be in motion. WOOD MAGAZINE #119 Dec 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 80, Insert
Making a turned wooden surround for a small alarm clock kit. WOODTURNING #55 Sep 1997 pg. 31