Added Info AUDIO ELECTRONICS 4/1999 [Aug 1999] (v.30#4) pg. 46
Audio delay circuit that originally appeared in Popular Electronics is modified for control by an 8-bit parallel port. Demonstrates how to attach a computer to any circuit that normally uses mechanical switches.
BYTE Nov 1981 (v.6#11) pg. 364
Audio switcher lets you choose between eight-different stereo-audio input sources, and feed the selected signal to one pair of stereo inputs on an amplifier.
Whole-house audio wiring system. Uses a keyboard to direct 8 stereo inputs to 4 audio outputs. Part 1. Overview of organization.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1995 (v.66#3) pg. 86
Whole-house audio wiring system. Part 2. Keyboard.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jun 1995 (v.66#6) pg. 82
Whole-house audio wiring system. Part 3. Circuit that will assign switch selection to one of four outputs.
ELECTRONICS NOW Jul 1995 (v.66#7) pg. 82
Whole-house audio wiring system. Part 4. PC circuit board layout.
ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1995 (v.66#8) pg. 86
Using FETs as audio switches.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Aug 1970 (v.84#2) pg. 46
5x5 Audio Switch Box. Switch the connections between audio components without touching a single wire with this homebrew accessory. Handles 5 inputs/outputs in any combination. Built-in headphone amplifier allows you to monitor any of the outputs.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Feb 1988 (v.5#2) pg. 43
Diode switching circuits to switch audio from one point to another.
HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.5#8) pg. 94
Audio, video additions. Tips on selecting and installing a switch box to provide additional jacks and equipment combinations for your audio/video system.
HOME MECHANIX #744 Apr 1990 (v.86) pg. 22
A signal-processor patch box (switching facility) allows easy rearrangement of outboard audio gear.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1981 (v.19#8) pg. 60
Build a stereo component switchbox. Matrix switchbox allows you to add or delete components without rewiring. Est. cost: $95 (for a 6x6 matrix unit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1982 (v.20#2) pg. 52
Video/audio switcher. Build this baseband-signal switcher to preserve the clarity lost to modulation/demodulation schemes. Provides 75-ohm buffered, video-input/output ports, stereo-compatible buffered I/O's, and tape-monitoring capabilities.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1989 (v.6#12) pg. 29
Build an eight-channel audio switcher that provides more inputs to your audio amplifier for auxiliary equipment.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1992 (v.9#12) pg. 31
Build a surround-sound switchbox. Control where your home-theater or stereo system's audio is coming from and add surround sound with this handy device. Uses a passive circuit to create the Hafler effect using existing sum and difference signals. Est. cost: $20.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1996 (v.13#11) pg. 52
Circuit to mute a stereo sound system whenever the telephone rings or the doorbell is activated.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1997 (v.14#7) pg. 67
Whole-house audio. How to rig up a speaker-selection box that works with X-10 remote control . Audio output can be directed to either zone 1 or zone 2 stereo speakers using X-10 signals. Est. cost: $66.
POPULAR HOME AUTOMATION May 1997 (v.2#2) pg. 10
Audio/video switcher. Eliminate the mess and confusion of wires that lurk behind your audio and video equipment with this easy to build 4x1 switcher.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1988 (v.59#2) pg. 65, 71
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1988 (v.59#4) pg. 14
Triple audiovisual switcher circuit uses one IC to simultaneously select video and two-channel stereo audio from any one of three sources and then route them to one of two selected outputs.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1990 (v.61#12) pg. 72
Tip on doing more valid "blind" A/B audio tests by using an add-on infrared remote control to switch between the items under test.
SPEAKER BUILDER 3/1988 [May 1988] (v.9#3) pg. 47