Preventive maintenance instructions for servicing your auto air cleaner. HOME MECHANIX #701 Sep 1986 (v.82) pg. 26
Preventive maintenance tips for air, oil, and fuel filters, HOME MECHANIX #738 Oct 1989 (v.85) pg. 38
How to replace air and gas filters. HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Nov-Dec 1978 (v.3#6) pg. 26
Auto ABCs. Simple steps to a cleaner engine. Changing air filter and fuel filter. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #628 Sep 1980 (v.76) pg. 37
Servicing the intake-heating system. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #667 Dec 1983 (v.79) pg. 16
How to solve backfire problems which occur in the exhaust system or in the intake system. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #675 Jul 1984 (v.80) pg. 26
Keep engine air clean by checking air filter, air hoses, etc. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #679 Nov 1984 (v.80) pg. 26
How to keep gas, oil and air filters working. POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1966 (v.126#5) pg. 168
Cleaning or replacing dirty oil, fuel or air filters. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1972 (v.138#1) pg. 124
Tip: Defective thermostatic air cleaner may cause engine "ping". POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1980 (v.154#3) pg. 42
Tip: How to see if the air cleaner damper valve is operating properly. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1982 (v.157#6) pg. 40
Tip: Inspect cold-air and hot-air carburetor ducts for small tears which can affect performance. POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1988 (v.165#2) pg. 28
Tip: Use two wing nuts to keep air cleaner top from coming loose. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1988 (v.165#3) pg. 26
Tips on replacing fuel, oil and air filters. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1989 (v.166#5) pg. 178
Replacing auto filters. Instructions for replacing oil, air, and gasoline filters. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1991 (v.168#6) pg. 82
Advice on cleaning an automobile air-cleaner element. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1997 (v.174#7) pg. 109
Checking and replacing your engine air filter. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1998 (v.175#5) pg. 131
Auto-maintenance basics. Part 14. Car filters. What to know and how to change them. Covers air, fuel and oil filters. POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1977 (v.210#3) pg. 128