Homemade mount for a finder scope is made from truck muffler clamps and bearing retainers. Est. cost: $10. ASTRONOMY Mar 1984 (v.12#3) pg. 76
Tip on a free dew cap for an 8x50 finder. ASTRONOMY Oct 1989 (v.17#10) pg. 6
50mm finder made from PVC-pipe fittings. ASTRONOMY Nov 1989 (v.17#11) pg. 72
Tip on aligning the finder scope with the main telescope's optical axis. ASTRONOMY Mar 1990 (v.18#3) pg. 8
Make a slip-on right-angle prism accessory for your straight-through finder scope. Made from a 35mm film canister and a $9 prism. ASTRONOMY Feb 1998 (v.26#2) pg. 17
Tracking telescope using surplus M-17 elbow telescope. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #431 Apr 1964 (v.60) pg. 112
How to make an elbow finder telescope that makes centering the eyepiece on an object and scanning the sky more comfortable. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Jun 1975 (v.232#6) pg. 112
Mounting bracket for a finder scope is made from a cast aluminum coupler normally used to splice 2" electrical conduit. SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1978 (v.56#1) pg. 66
Finderscope is mounted INSIDE a 6" Newtonian. It utilizes that portion of the aperature normally blocked by the diagonal. The image is output through the side of the tube and both finder and main image are viewed simultaneously. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1983 (v.66#4) pg. 353
Coaxial finderscope for either a Newtonian or Cassegrain configuration uses a small objective lens mounted at the center of the telescope tube's open end, along with a movable diagonal. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1983 (v.66#4) pg. 355
Quick-change mountings for a focuser and finder allow shifting them between telescopes. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1986 (v.71#1) pg. 98
Telescope finder rings are made from Lucite and grip the finder more securely than the "three-screw method". SKY & TELESCOPE May 1986 (v.71#5) pg. 512
Small catadioptric telescope has its own handy finder, but without the separate tube and mounting rings of a conventional finderscope. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1988 (v.75#2) pg. 217
A star-centering device for guidescopes makes it easier to bring a suitable star onto the crosshairs of the guiding eyepiece. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1988 (v.75#6) pg. 656
Build a "Skywalker". Consists of two "Telrad-like" finders in one housing so that two people can see a target image projected on the same point in the sky. Ideal for naked-eye observing when one knowledgable person is leading a novice in locating celestial objects. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1988 (v.76#4) pg. 423
A pulsating Telrad finder. Modify a viewfinder of the Telrad type to cause the illuminated bull's-eye to pulse on and off. This makes it easier to see stars of 4th, 5th, and 6th magnitude. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1988 (v.76#6) pg. 694
Astronomy through your finder. Using commercially available parts to attach a 35mm SLR camera body to a 50mm telescope finder for taking astrophotos. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1990 (v.79#4) pg. 450
Simple, hand-held sky pointer for two people allows a novice to be guided to a specific celestial object. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1990 (v.80#3) pg. 318
The tunable finder telescope. Made from PVC plastic pipe fittings and a surplus photocopier lens. Works with standard 1.25" eyepieces. Est. cost: $30. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1990 (v.80#4) pg. 432
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 677
Homemade star diagonal for a guidescope has a movable mirror to center bright guide stars for astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 674
Off-axis guider has a movable mirror to center bright guide stars for astrophotography. SKY & TELESCOPE Dec 1990 (v.80#6) pg. 674
A light beam in place of a finderscope. Construct this light source which temporarily replaces an eyepiece and uses your telescope optics to point a beam of light (and also the telescope) at the object to be observed. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1991 (v.82#4) pg. 418
Make your own Telrad pole finder. Use your Telrad sight and this special planisphere dial to align your telescope mount on the north celestial pole. SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1992 (v.84#3) pg. 337
A simple solar finderscope is made from a cardboard tube. SKY & TELESCOPE Feb 1993 (v.85#2) pg. 93
Tip on using a riflescope as a finderscope. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1993 (v.85#6) pg. 93
Telrad tip. Trick for using reflex sighting devices when the viewing conditions are less than ideal. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1994 (v.88#4) pg. 77
Tip on using a monocular and the Telrad aiming device to locate dim objects. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1995 (v.90#4) pg. 83
Miniature "Telrad" finder for use on binoculars (or telescope). SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1996 (v.91#1) pg. 84
Tele-tips. A collection of quick and simple remedies for telescope or observing problems. (1) Sky pointer. (2) Hale-Bopp filter. (3) Decollimating a guidescope when doing astrophotography. (4) Spring-loaded screws make finderscope adjustments easier. (5) Source of cheap aluminum telescope tubes. (6) Eyepiece glare blocker. (7) Unipod for steadying the observer's head. (8) Bungee cord support for binoculars. (9) Simplified Cheshire collimation device. (10) Variable-aperture mask for Newtonian reflector. (11) Reversing star charts with a mirror so they match the telescope image. SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1996 (v.91#3) pg. 76
Test report on seven unit-power (1X) finders, how they work, and tips on their use. SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1996 (v.91#6) pg. 48
Correction SKY & TELESCOPE Jul 1996 (v.92#1) pg. 11
Tip on using a single piece of 4" plastic pipe in place of two standoff rings for attaching a finder. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1996 (v.92#5) pg. 86
Tip on using the finder cross hairs to slew a telescope (on one axis) to locate a desired object. SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1996 (v.92#5) pg. 86
Fabricate a thin prism (from glass plates and clear casting resin) which is placed in front of a finderscope and makes Polaris appear to lie exactly at the north celestial pole. SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1997 (v.93#4) pg. 86
Tips on attaching a monocular to a telescope for use as a finder. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1998 (v.96#4) pg. 121
Tip for a simple solar viewfinder that utilizes the base for a Telrad finder. SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1998 (v.96#4) pg. 122
Build a finder with an 8-degree field. Uses a 50mm objective from an old binocular, tubing, wood, and eyepiece. TELESCOPE MAKING #7 Spring 1980 pg. 37
Tip: Add an extra set of finder rings to your finder scope. Use them as a boresight or peepsight finder to align telescope on a star before looking through the optical finder scope. TELESCOPE MAKING #11 Spring 1981 pg. 19
A precise finder for sun telescopes relies on a series of 5 disks, each with a different size hole in them. TELESCOPE MAKING #13 Fall 1981 pg. 34
Dobsonian developments. The state-of-the-art in Dobsonian telescopes. Includes details for making and using alt-azimuth setting circles. Includes descripton of a binocular finder scope. TELESCOPE MAKING #15 Spring 1982 pg. 14
A simple sighting tube for the Astroscan 2001 telescope. TELESCOPE MAKING #25 Winter 1984 pg. 10