Tips on how to store honey. Includes information on propolis (bee glue) and some of its possible uses.
COUNTRYSIDE Sep 1979 (v.63#9) pg. 48
Some tips on marketing honey.
COUNTRYSIDE Jun 1981 (v.65#6) pg. 38
Removing honey from the comb. How to do it and how to treat it afterwards.
COUNTRYSIDE Sep 1981 (v.65#9) pg. 20
How to produce your own comb honey.
COUNTRYSIDE Aug 1982 (v.66#8) pg. 41
How to extract honey with your Victorio strainer.
COUNTRYSIDE Feb 1983 (v.67#2) pg. 28
Added Info COUNTRYSIDE Apr 1983 (v.67#4) pg. 33
Honey pop. A carbonated drink made from honey.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL May-Jun 1988 (v.72#3) pg. 18
A look at selling honey on the "honor system" in Missouri.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #55 Jan-Feb 1979 pg. 112
Build a handcranked honey extractor capable of processing four honey frames at one time. Est. cost: $50.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #68 Mar-Apr 1981 pg. 170
How to locate and harvest a wild honey tree.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #74 Mar-Apr 1982 pg. 122
Garden uses for fine-mesh nylon paint strainers noted.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1996 (v.43#8) pg. 67
Gifts in glass. Recipes for homemade vinegars, oils, liqueurs and honeys.
SUNSET Dec 1996 (v.197#6) pg. 79