Collimating your reflecting telescope. Instructions for both "slow" and "fast" Newtonian scopes are given.
ASTRONOMY Jan 1981 (v.9#1) pg. 54
How to collimate your Newtonian or Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope.
ASTRONOMY Apr 1992 (v.20#4) pg. 60
Astronomy 101. Diary of a neophyte astronomer. (1) Observing the Perseids meteor shower. (2) Collimating a newtonian reflector.
ASTRONOMY Aug 2002 (v.30#8) pg. 74
Collimating your telescope. Part 1. Techniques for both slow and fast reflectors described.
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1988 (v.75#3) pg. 259
Added Info SKY & TELESCOPE Sep 1988 (v.76#3) pg. 230
Collimating your telescope. Part 2. Techniques for Schmidt-Cassegrain, other Cassegrain designs, Maksutovs, and star diagonals.
SKY & TELESCOPE Apr 1988 (v.75#4) pg. 363
Focus and collimation. Using a computer and a ray-tracing method to determine how critical they are to a telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE May 1991 (v.81#5) pg. 528
Easy-to-make collimating tool replaces the eyepiece in a Newtonian reflector. Works on the same principle as one invented by F.J. Cheshire.
SKY & TELESCOPE Nov 1994 (v.88#5) pg. 88
Tele-tips. A collection of quick and simple remedies for telescope or observing problems. (1) Sky pointer. (2) Hale-Bopp filter. (3) Decollimating a guidescope when doing astrophotography. (4) Spring-loaded screws make finderscope adjustments easier. (5) Source of cheap aluminum telescope tubes. (6) Eyepiece glare blocker. (7) Unipod for steadying the observer's head. (8) Bungee cord support for binoculars. (9) Simplified Cheshire collimation device. (10) Variable-aperture mask for Newtonian reflector. (11) Reversing star charts with a mirror so they match the telescope image.
SKY & TELESCOPE Mar 1996 (v.91#3) pg. 76
Field technique for collimating a telescope which is simple and does not require the use of specialized tools.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 2001 (v.101#6) pg. 125
How to collimate your Newtonian reflector.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 2002 (v.103#6) pg. 111
Collimation with a Barlowed laser. Using a standard laser collimator with an ordinary Barlow lens allows Newtonian telescope collimation on a par with the precision obtained with a good Cheshire eyepiece.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 2003 (v.105#1) pg. 121
A modified Cheshire eyepiece for collimation (aligning optical elements) in a reflecting telescope.
TELESCOPE MAKING #18 Winter 1982-83 pg. 22
Updating Newtonian collimation. How to collimate fast Newtonian telescopes.
TELESCOPE MAKING #22 Spring 1984 pg. 4
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #24 Fall 1984 pg. 43
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #26 Summer 1985 pg. 55
Remote-control collimation of a Dobsonian telescope. Levers, long rods, and spring-loaded pins allow adjusting collimation from the front or middle of the tube.
TELESCOPE MAKING #33 Summer 1988 pg. 20
Tips on autocollimation testing of optics using an optical flat.
TELESCOPE MAKING #41 Summer 1990 pg. 45
Added Info TELESCOPE MAKING #42 Fall 1990 pg. 3