Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1975 (v.8#6) pg. 6
Touch-switch circuit uses an integrated circuit in conjunction with discrete devices.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1976 (v.9#1) pg. 81
Six CMOS digital integrated circuits include an alternate action pushbutton switch and a touch-controlled latch.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1977 (v.11#4) pg. 46
A simple touch control switch. Single FET amplifier circuit can be used to control a relay or other low-current device.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1979 (v.15#2) pg. 77
Circuit for a touch-plate switch to turn room lights on and off.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1982 (v.20#3) pg. 101
Build a touch-controlled solid-state switch to control from 3 to 15 volts.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1982 (v.20#7) pg. 66
Touch switch circuit uses an integrated circuit, an SCR and a few resistors.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1989 (v.6#2) pg. 24
Line-hum touch switch energizes when a relay plate is touched and de-energizes up to 1 second after the finger is removed.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1989 (v.6#7) pg. 25
Two touch circuits built around a 4047 low-power CMOS monostable/astable multivibrator. One is negative-triggered and one is positive-triggered.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1989 (v.6#9) pg. 88
Three-way touch lamp switch delivers 40-, 80-, and 117-volts AC.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1990 (v.7#8) pg. 25
Touch switch reacts to the touch of a finger on a sensor plate to turn lights and/or appliances on or off.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1991 (v.8#2) pg. 23
Touch switch circuit controls 117 VAC lamp.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1992 (v.9#7) pg. 70
More intruder-detector circuits. (1) Exit delay. (2) Light-dependent sensor. (3) Bridging touch-plate sensor. (4) Single-plate touch sensor.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1992 (v.9#8) pg. 72
Touch-on/Touch-off circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1993 (v.10#2) pg. 73, 94
Bridged touch-activated switch circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1993 (v.10#12) pg. 71
Using a single special-purpose IC (the ULN2429A fluid detector) in as many applications as possible. (1) Low-level liquid level detector. (2) High-level liquid level detector. (3) Touch-activated switch. (4) Proximity sensor. (5) Ultrasonic pest repeller. (6) Variable square-wave generator. (7) Code-practice oscillator. (8) Alarm circuit. (9) Light beam circuit (LED-emitter / phototransistor-sensor circuit).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1994 (v.11#6) pg. 76
Simple touch switch circuit uses only two high-gain transistors and a capacitor to energize a relay.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 30
Touch control circuit can handle a 12-volt load up to 1 amp.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 73
Touch-actuated timed-on switch circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1996 (v.13#4) pg. 66
Four circuits to turn on an AC device by touch, IR light, and/or pushbutton. One version allows remote shutoff using a flashlight.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1996 (v.13#10) pg. 65
Electronic sensors. Two-contact touch-switch sensor circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1997 (v.14#1) pg. 72
One-component touch-activated switch handles 6-15 volts.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1997 (v.14#5) pg. 63
Four circuits for touch sensitive switches.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1997 (v.14#6) pg. 70
Circuit for a capacity-operated touch switch (COTS).
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1998 (v.15#7) pg. 14
(1) Electronic touch switch circuit. (2) Latching touch switch circuit. (3) Latch/unlatch touch switch circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1999 (v.16#12) pg. 80
Switch operates by touching metal switch.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1964 (v.184#1) pg. 125
Touch-controlled switch is mounted in a 3-outlet surface mount AC receptical and controlled by an antenna or any metal object. Circuit is both latching and nonlatching. Est. cost: $5.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1966 (v.189#3) pg. 114
Touch switch allows you to vary the time the switch is on up to 15 seconds or more. Use it to kill TV commercials, doorbell switch, light timer and other jobs.
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1971 (v.198#3) pg. 96
Replace standard wall switches with this touch module (touch switch). Proximity switch controls up to 300 watts at the slightest touch.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1973 (v.202#2) pg. 124
Tips on using the "Kaltek" SL-6 module to make a touch-sensitive switch that holds "on" for a predetermined amount of time. Has applications for computer keyboards.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1985 (v.56#1) pg. 79
Astable touch switch circuit uses an LM324 op-amp.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1989 (v.60#5) pg. 14