Shade-loving plants and how to grow them. A look at caladiums, hostas, ferns, impatiens, begonias, alyssum and coleus. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS May 1977 (v.55#5) pg. 88
Favorite varieties of hostas are noted, along with tips on how to grow them. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Sep 1986 (v.64#9) pg. 35
Tips on planting and caring for hostas and ornamental grasses. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Aug 1988 (v.66#8) pg. 83
Havens for hostas. How to make them the stars of shady landscapes. BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Apr 1999 (v.77#4) pg. 181
A guide to using hostas in the garden. Gives tips on buying and growing hostas, on dealing with pests and diseases, and on division and propagation. FINE GARDENING #9 Sep-Oct 1989 pg. 36
How to propagate hostas by division using a technique called rossising. FINE GARDENING #34 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 18
Early blooming companions for hostas. FINE GARDENING #35 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 8
Tip on preventing slug damage to hostas by watering early in the morning and not using mulch. FINE GARDENING #38 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 8
How to collect and plant hosta seeds. FINE GARDENING #42 Mar-Apr 1995 pg. 22
Tip describes how to add gravel or rocks to the planting hole for hostas to deter voles. FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 8
Designing with hostas. Suggestions on ways to use them in the perennial border and under tall trees. Ten hosta cultivars are recommended. FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 70
How to raise hostas. Covers planting and propagation by division. FLOWER & GARDEN Jul 1979 (v.23#7) pg. 18
How to raise hostas, a multi-purpose perennial suitable for shade. FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1981 (v.25#3) pg. 6
Hearty hostas for enduring beauty. Advice on selection and raising. FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1995 (v.39#4) pg. 48
Hostas that brighten shade. Includes information on selection, planting, dividing, etc. GARDEN GATE #2 Apr-May 1995 pg. 18
Remedies for controlling slugs that eat hostas. GARDEN GATE #7 Feb 1996 pg. 38
Advice on when to cut back flowers on hostas. GARDEN GATE #9 Jun 1996 pg. 39
Tips on growing hosta from seed. GARDEN GATE #21 Jun 1998 pg. 39
Ways to keep slugs away from hostas. GARDEN GATE #26 Apr 1999 pg. 38
Leaves much to be desired. Advice on selecting and raising hostas. HARROWSMITH #109 May-Jun 1993 (v.18#1) pg. 88
A sampler of the variety of available hostas. HORTICULTURE Feb 1996 (v.74#2) pg. 36
Added Info HORTICULTURE May 1996 (v.74#5) pg. 6
An explanation of why Hosta 'Undulata' leaves change from green with white margins to solid green. HORTICULTURE May 1996 (v.74#5) pg. 8
A look at popular hostas and tips on growing them. ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1986 (v.33#8) pg. 65
Tips on starting hostas from seed. ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1995 (v.42#5) pg. 21
Hosta. Advice on attractive, affordable varieties and their culture. Includes information on starting them from seed and simple division. ORGANIC GARDENING Apr 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 63