Added Info AMERICAN WOODWORKER #59 Jun 1997 pg. 32
Make an L-shaped jig for a quick, foolproof way to locate the center of square or round stock.
AMERICAN WOODWORKER #63 Dec 1997 pg. 34
Tip on locating the center of a board using a ruler.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #312 Oct 1990 (v.40#9) pg. 43
Simple jig for marking the exact center of the edge of a board.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #350 Jul-Aug 1994 (v.44#7) pg. 20
Tip on marking hole locations when attaching new wood using existing lag shields installed in concrete walls.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #78 Dec 1992-Jan 1993 pg. 30
Center-finding tool for Sonotubes is made from two sticks (attached at right angles) and two 16d nails.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #112 Oct-Nov 1997 pg. 34
Plexiglas centerfinder is useful to wood turners who split odd-shaped work pieces from the log.
FINE WOODWORKING #38 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 16
Three jigs for finding the center of a drawer front or the edge of a board.
FINE WOODWORKING #43 Nov-Dec 1983 pg. 8
Make a center-finding tool from a tear-off circular aluminum top from a snack food container.
FINE WOODWORKING #51 Mar-Apr 1985 pg. 10
Accurate center finder is made from two 30-60-90-degree plastic triangles and some scrap wood.
FINE WOODWORKING #63 Mar-Apr 1987 pg. 10
Jig for quickly marking the center of turning squares or cylinders up to 6" across.
FINE WOODWORKING #95 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 12
V-block fixture for using a band saw to cut diagonal kerfs into square turning stock.
FINE WOODWORKING #95 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 12
Jig for quickly locating and marking the center on square turning stock.
FINE WOODWORKING #100 May-Jun 1993 pg. 20
Shop made wooden gauge for locating the center of round stock quickly and easily.
FINE WOODWORKING #137 Jul-Aug 1999 pg. 16
Build this triangular jig that makes it easy to find and lay out centers on round or oval stock.
HOMEOWNER Jun 1984 (v.9#5) pg. 20
Simple tool for finding the center of cylindrical objects.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #492 May 1969 (v.65) pg. 99
A center marker for lathe work. Used to locate and punch-mark the center of a bar to be mounted in a lathe for machining.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1974 (v.142#1) pg. 146
Adjustable center locating tool.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1977 (v.148#5) pg. 56
Jig to find centers of round and square stock.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1978 (v.150#5) pg. 131
Tip: How to find the center of an odd-width board quickly using just a ruler.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1979 (v.151#1) pg. 97
Tip: Jig for finding the center of large circular objects is made from plywood and two pieces of dowel.
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1979 (v.151#3) pg. 79
Tip: How to make a simple centerline scriber from a piece of wood and three nails.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1979 (v.151#6) pg. 145
Automatic center finder locates and marks centerlines on boards up to 17" wide.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1980 (v.153#2) pg. 130
Tip: Find the center of a circle by "squaring the circle" using a carpenter's square.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1983 (v.159#2) pg. 54
Special jig quickly locates the center of a board (either width or thickness).
POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1974 (v.204#3) pg. 138
Centering tools. Three designs for devices to locate and mark the centers of round objects.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #54 May 1990 (v.9#6) pg. 23
Tip on locating the center of a circle using a carpenter's square.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #85 Jul 1995 (v.15#1) pg. 6
Tip shows a simple shop-made tool that will scratch a center line on the edge of any board within its capacity.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #97 Jul 1997 (v.17#3) pg. 27
Tip on finding the center of a round object by combining a bevel square and roofing square to improvise a center square.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #105 Nov 1998 (v.18#5) pg. 84
Making and using center locators to improve the placement accuracy of holes when using a drill press (or milling machine).
PROJECTS IN METAL Dec 1988 (v.1#6) pg. 14
Two center-finding tools.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS #218 Jun 1963 (v.34#6) pg. 102
Center-finding tool for use on a lathe.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS Jul 1964 (v.35#7) pg. 79
Layout tips. (1) Center finder for the edge of a board. (2) Scribing a parallel line around a work piece or pattern using a poster board guide. (3) Tips on drawing a large arc without a compass. (4) Using coiled solder as a flexible curve. (5) Transfering a photocopy of a pattern to work piece using a hot iron.
SHOPNOTES #24 Nov 1995 (v.4) pg. 14
Tip on using two tri-square heads on one scale to facilitate locating the center of a tapered work piece.
SPORT AVIATION Jun 1995 (v.44#6) pg. 101
Tip: Build this inexpensive, simple jig to locate the center of a circular object.
WOOD MAGAZINE #15 Feb 1987 (v.4#1) pg. 20
Concentric-pointed marker shows you exactly where to drill the screw holes for the second leaf of a hinge.
WOOD MAGAZINE #39 Dec 1990 (v.7#7) pg. 25
Collector's Edition center finder made from walnut and brass.
WOOD MAGAZINE #40 Jan 1991 (v.8#1) pg. 60
How to use a dowel center as a quick center finder.
WOOD MAGAZINE #46 Oct 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 26
Simple jig to locate the exact center of board edge when cutting a half-lap joint.
WOOD MAGAZINE #75 Dec 1994 (v.11#9) pg. 92
Shop-made center finder to quickly find and mark the center of stock-dimension turning squares.
WOOD MAGAZINE #97 Jun 1997 (v.14#4) pg. 34
In-a-jiffy centerpoint marking jig.
WOOD MAGAZINE #105 Apr 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 49
Tip: Combine a combination square and a flat square to make a center finder for round stock.
WOODSMITH #43 Jan-Feb 1986 pg. 3
Make a template to locate the center of a circle.
WOODSMITH #56 Apr 1988 pg. 3
Marking gauge draws a pencil line exactly along the center of the edge of a board.
WOODSMITH #80 Apr 1992 pg. 4
Center square is designed to locate the exact center of any circular turning blank up to 15" diameter.
WOODTURNING #17 Nov 1993 pg. 72
Center finding jig for round or square stock.
WOODTURNING #64 Jun 1998 pg. 83
Tip on quickly locating the center of any board without measuring its actual width.
WOODWORK #7 Fall 1990 pg. 22
Tip shows how to make a pocket-size center finder.
WOODWORK #42 Dec 1996 pg. 4
A decorative, but functional, center-finding tool is made from brass and mahogany.
WOODWORKER #1073 Apr 1983 (v.87) pg. 243
Adjustable jig to mark the centers on the ends of a number of small blanks for spindle turning.
WOODWORKER Dec 1987 (v.91#12) pg. 1062
Tool for finding the center of an already rounded work piece.
WOODWORKER Dec 1987 (v.91#12) pg. 1063
Center-marking gauge will locate the center of any stock up to 4" wide. May be adapted for wider stock.
WOODWORKER Oct 1988 (v.92#10) pg. 890
Simple yet accurate gadget to find the center of any piece of round wood from 1" to 14" diameter.
WOODWORKER Jun 1989 (v.93#6) pg. 552
Tip on using a countersink to mark the exact center of screw holes for hinges.
WOODWORKER Jan 1990 (v.94#1) pg. 1291
Jig for finding the center of round stock.
WOODWORKER May 1990 (v.94#5) pg. 493
Device for marking the exact center of round stock of various standard sizes.
WOODWORKER Mar 1991 (v.95#3) pg. 319
Simple center finder built from wood.
WOODWORKER Sep 1992 (v.96#9) pg. 30
Simple jig for marking the center of a turning square is attached to the edge of a workbench so it can't get lost.
WOODWORKER May 1994 (v.98#5) pg. 19
Center-finding tool quickly locates the center of round objects.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1968 (v.24#3) pg. 38
Shop tip shows how to make a simple board center-finder from an old hacksaw blade, a washer and a large nail.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1971 (v.27#1) pg. 50
Tip shows how to find the center of a circle by using a sheet of paper (with accurate 90-degree corners).
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1978 (v.34#5) pg. 9
Tip: Use the universal (3-jaw) chuck of a metal lathe to locate the exact center on a round of wood, metal, plastic, etc.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1980 (v.36#1) pg. 32
How to locate the exact center of a room using two locking tape measures.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1990 (v.46#2) pg. 66
Center finder created by clamping together a combination square and a framing square.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1998 (v.54#6) pg. 15