Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #79 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 10
Tip on using 3M Scotch-Brite fine-grade pads in place of steel wool.
FINE WOODWORKING #80 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 4
Abrasives used in plastic model making. Looks at files, emery boards, sandpaper, polishing sticks and polishing compounds.
IPMS/USA JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1999 (v.11#3) pg. 25
Tip: Make your own small rubberized abrasive wheels from pencil erasers.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #572 Jul 1985 pg. 26
Advice on the use of 3M Scotch-Brite abrasive pads on aluminum.
LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1999 (v.21#9) pg. 22
Tip: Wire screening can substitute for rough sandpaper on turned wooden bowls or spindles.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall 1978 (v.9#3) pg. 32
Short glossary of abrasives and abrasive terms.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring 1980 (v.11#1) pg. 30
How to use wet abrasives.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1988 (v.165#12) pg. 64
Tips on selecting and using abrasive pads.
SHOPNOTES #8 Mar 1993 (v.2) pg. 30
Tip on using a foam-bottomed push block to get even pressure on an abrasive pad when rubbing out a finish.
SHOPNOTES #13 Jan 1994 (v.3) pg. 29
Homemade grinding or abrasive cutoff disk is made by applying rock tumbling grit to fiberglass using epoxy cement. The resulting disk is very thin and flexible. Tips on using this disk to cut Plexiglas are included.
SPORT AVIATION Sep 1985 (v.34#9) pg. 68
Sanding and abrading tips for both wood and metal. Tips on selecting the abrasive (sandpaper, pads, cut-off discs, rotary files, pumice), value of a disc sander, etc.
SPORT AVIATION Oct 1989 (v.38#10) pg. 34
What's my abrasive? A table compares the grit number, diameter in thousandths of an inch, and the micron measurement of abrasives from eight different companies.
TELESCOPE MAKING #2 Winter 1978 pg. 9
Tip on applying and rubbing abrasives such as pumice and rottenstone.
WOOD MAGAZINE #2 Nov-Dec 1984 (v.1#2) pg. 25
Know your woodworking abrasives. Looks at coated abrasives, steel wool, finishing pads, pumice, rottenstone, etc.
WOOD MAGAZINE #20 Dec 1987 (v.4#6) pg. 50
Tip on using nylon-pad pan scourers as rotating abrasive discs to sand wood.
WOODCARVING #40 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 64