xx BOX
Building torsion boxes (plywood skins and a gridded core) that make rigid tabletops and shelves. AMERICAN WOODWORKER #63 Dec 1997 pg. 67
The torsion box. How to make strong, light and stable wooden panels. A torsion box consists of a wooden grid glued between two plywood skins. Suitable for cantilevered benches, tabletops, veneered furniture, etc. FINE WOODWORKING #32 Jan-Feb 1982 pg. 96
A new wrinkle in an old torsion box. Entertainment wall cabinet features an "open look". Wide, cantilevered-style shelves are built using torsion box construction. They are attached to a wall of 3/4" paneling above a base of enclosed cabinets. WOODWORK #1 Spring 1989 pg. 70
Make a torsion box, the high-strength, lightweight alternative to solid wood for table or workbench tops. WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1993 (v.17#1) pg. 29