Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #113 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 8
Tip on building a heated storage cabinet for water stones, glue, etc.
FINE WOODWORKING #114 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 24
Stone hook is used to securely hold sharpening stones of various sizes.
FINE WOODWORKING #121 Nov-Dec 1996 pg. 20
Tip on adding bleach to water stone water to prevent algae from growing.
FINE WOODWORKING #122 Jan-Feb 1997 pg. 20
Tip on using kerosene to lubricate sharpening stones.
FINE WOODWORKING #124 May-Jun 1997 pg. 26
In search of the perfect benchstone. The pros and cons of Arkansas stones, ceramic stones, diamond lapping plates and water stones.
FINE WOODWORKING #127 Nov-Dec 1997 pg. 76
Tip: How to make a sharpening stick from an old silicon carbide grinding wheel.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #536 Jun 1982 pg. 30
Tip on prolonging the life of a grinding wheel which runs in water.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL May 1990 (v.44#2) pg. 82
Make a three-stone knife and tool sharpener that provides course, medium or fine honing surfaces at the turn of a handle.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #94 Jul-Aug 1985 pg. 116
Tip: How to hold an oilstone to put an accurate bevel on gouges.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 29
Special drawer for sharpening stones is fitted under your workbench surface. It pulls out for use and pushes in for storage. Keeps stones clean.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Feb 1977 (v.8#1) pg. 30
Tip: Proper care of oilstone extends its useful life.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Aug 1977 (v.8#3) pg. 29
Sharpen your tools this way. Tips on when and where to use grindstones, oilstones, slipstones, and whetstones.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1978 (v.9#2) pg. 31
How to recondition your sharpening stone. Grind your stone flat again by using valve grinding compound.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring 1979 (v.10#1) pg. 37
Make a wooden container for your Arkansas or Washita stone.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring 1979 (v.10#1) pg. 37
Tip: Oilstones kept free of grease by use of kerosene.
NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Fall 1979 (v.10#3) pg. 30
Description of the various sharpening stone materials, their cost, use and sharpening speed.
NEW SHELTER Feb 1981 (v.2#2) pg. 14
Tips on selecting the correct sharpening stone for sharpening various tools including knives, gouge, auder bit, plane blade, chisel, scissors, scythe, and axe.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1966 (v.126#1) pg. 156
How to make your oilstone self-lubricating. Involves making an oilstone holder that contains a simple pump in the base that ejects the right amount of oil onto the stone.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1973 (v.140#4) pg. 174
Tip: How to keep a box-mounted sharpening stone from sliding when you are using both hands for sharpening.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1979 (v.151#2) pg. 80
The art of Japanese sharpening. How to use horizontal grinders and bench stones which use water instead of light oil as a lubricant.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1984 (v.161#1) pg. 104
Tip: Use fine emery cloth tacked to a wooden block as a "hone" for sharpening knives.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1985 (v.162#1) pg. 159
Restoring a worn or grooved oilstone.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1963 (v.183#1) pg. 105
How to hone cutting tools with a revolving oilstone coated with grease.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1969 (v.194#6) pg. 140
Diamond hones. Advice on selection, maintenance and use.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #42 Apr-May 1988 (v.7#6) pg. 31
Less expensive alternative for honing oil and rubbing oil.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #57 Nov 1990 (v.10#3) pg. 8
Tip on dressing small grinding wheels using a dull glass-cutting tool.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #81 Nov 1994 (v.14#3) pg. 8
Sharpening kit. Build a wooden box for storing, transporting, and using fragile sharpening stones.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #101 Mar 1998 (v.18#1) pg. 50
Water stone basics. Tips on selecting and using them.
SHOPNOTES #26 Mar 1996 (v.5) pg. 4
Sharpening station. Wall-mounted cabinet with sliding door and four pull-out shelves for storing shapening stones, grinding wheels, etc. Top becomes a platform for mounting a grinder and for sharpening tools by hand. Includes instructions for making a holder for sharpening stone that is supported over a plastic container filled with water.
SHOPNOTES #26 Mar 1996 (v.5) pg. 6
Selecting and maintaining a grinding wheel is the secret to getting a razor-sharp edge on a tool.
SHOPNOTES #44 Mar 1999 (v.8) pg. 14
Grinding wheel deglazing and truing using a wheel dressing tool.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #208 Nov 1993 (v.18#4) pg. 17
Selecting the right grinding wheel for a bench grinder.
SKINNED KNUCKLES #228 Jul 1995 (v.19#12) pg. 22
Sharpening your shop tools with water stones. What is available and tips on their use.
WOOD MAGAZINE #10 Apr 1986 (v.3#2) pg. 46
A quick way to clean a clogged sharpening stone.
WOOD MAGAZINE #55 Oct 1992 (v.9#7) pg. 12
Sharpening with Japanese water stones. Advice on buying, using, storing and reflattening a stone. Includes plans for stone holder to fit a shallow tray.
WOOD MAGAZINE #108 Oct 1998 (v.15#6) pg. 12
Tip on adapting a household floor polisher (the style with two small revolving heads) into a powered hone for sharpening tools.
WOODCARVING #6 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 6
The nitty-gritty on grinding and sharpening stones. An interview with the Norton Company.
WOODSMITH #20 Mar 1982 pg. 4
Make your own box for holding a grinding stone. Made from redwood.
WOODSMITH #20 Mar 1982 pg. 7
How to select and care for sharpening stones.
WOODSMITH #20 Mar 1982 pg. 12
Japanese water stones. What they are and tips on their use.
WOODSMITH #24 Nov 1982 pg. 4
Diamond sharpening stones. What they are and tips on their use.
WOODSMITH #24 Nov 1982 pg. 7
Jig to hold water stones over a sink while sharpening.
WOODSMITH #78 Dec 1991 pg. 28
Tip on flattening a water stone.
WOODSMITH #79 Feb 1992 pg. 5
Tip on selecting and using a grinding wheel dressing tool.
WOODSMITH #81 Jun 1992 pg. 30
Stone holder for a small flush-mounted sharpening stone allows the use of a rolling sharpening guide on a narrow stone.
WOODSMITH #97 Feb 1995 (v.17) pg. 5
Tip on flattening a whetstone using grinding paste and a piece of glass.
WOODTURNING #25 Sep 1994 pg. 17
Tip describes how to use a router cutter collar to help support a diamond dresser tool.
WOODTURNING #46 Oct 1996 pg. 77
Fabricate a wooden handle to give better control when using small diamond sharpening stones.
WOODTURNING #79 Sep 1999 pg. 62
Tip on using the narrow edge of a honing stone for sharpening in order to minimize uneven wear on the face. Includes diagram for a storage box to hold the stone on edge.
WOODWORK #12 Winter 1991 pg. 16
Tip on cleaning Arkansas sharpening stones using WD-40.
WOODWORK #16 Jul-Aug 1992 pg. 15
Economical sharpening stones. Adapting antique razor hones for use in the workshop.
WOODWORK #25 Feb 1994 pg. 54
Tip shows four ways to end oilstone slip.
WOODWORK #38 Apr 1996 pg. 14
Honing stones. A guide to their characteristics and advice on selection.
WOODWORK #38 Apr 1996 pg. 40
Formula for mixing neatsfoot oil and paraffin to lubricate oil stones.
WOODWORKER #1030 Sep 1979 (v.83) pg. 478
Sharpening stones. What is available and tips on their use.
WOODWORKER #1033 Dec 1979 (v.83) pg. 725
Tips on re-leveling an oilstone.
WOODWORKER #1051 Jun 1981 (v.85) pg. 396
Ideas on making boxes to protect your oilstones.
WOODWORKER #1071 Feb 1983 (v.87) pg. 93
Sharp practice. An assessment of the motorized horizontal wetstone grinder. Includes modifications to the planer jig so it can be used to sharpen chisels, plane irons, etc. Addition of a honing angle indicator and pointer to planer jig also shown.
WOODWORKER #1095 Feb 1985 (v.89) pg. 144
Precious stones. A description of the differences among various types of sharpening stones (grindstones).
WOODWORKER #1097 Apr 1985 (v.89) pg. 275
Added Info WOODWORKER #1101 Aug 1985 (v.89) pg. 640
Tip: How to true (flatten) all kinds of oilstones.
WOODWORKER #1100 Jul 1985 (v.89) pg. 489
Tips on storing and using Japanese water stones.
WOODWORKER #1117 Dec 1986 (v.90#12) pg. 1045
Tip: Keep your oilstone box from moving around in use by inserting sharpened nails as "feet".
WOODWORKER May 1987 (v.91#5) pg. 415
Tip on repairing a broken, hand-powered grindstone.
WOODWORKER Jul 1989 (v.93#7) pg. 623
Dress sense. How to true-up and renew a grinding wheel using a diamond dressing tool.
WOODWORKER Oct 1990 (v.94#10) pg. 1042
Tip on flattening a whetstone using sand and water.
WOODWORKER Jul 1991 (v.95#7) pg. 740
Tip on flattening an oilstone using a belt sander.
WOODWORKER Sep 1992 (v.96#9) pg. 82
Storage box for combination oil stones that makes the stone easier to keep clean and easier to rotate when changing grit size.
WOODWORKER Mar 1994 (v.98#3) pg. 40
Tip: How to clean oilstones.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1981 (v.5#4) pg. 28
Choosing and using sharpening stones.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1993 (v.17#4) pg. 22
Putting on a good edge. The joy of working with sharp hand tools. Guide to grinding wheels and how to use them grinding chisels, plane irons and turning tools. Tips on investing in a good bench sharpening stone, its care and use in honing a bevel.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1996 (v.20#1) pg. 70
Build a wooden box with a cover for your oilstone or hone. This one features a slot to facilitate clamping the box to your bench top when in use.
WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1979 (v.35#1) pg. 16
Keep your sharpening stone from slipping with a simple bench hook that attaches to the bottom of the stone's case.
WORKBENCH Aug-Sep 1995 (v.51#4) pg. 80