Tip: Use a weight-lifting belt to provide support while exercising and doing strenuous tasks like splitting firewood. FAMILY HANDYMAN #300 Jul-Aug 1989 (v.39#7) pg. 91
Tip: Reinforce and cushion the knees of work pants by attaching bonded padding material (used for quilts). FINE HOMEBUILDING #47 Jun-Jul 1988 pg. 28
Wrist gaiters made from old socks protects your forearms when installing fiberglass insulation. FINE HOMEBUILDING #51 Feb-Mar 1989 pg. 26
Tip on using a fabric glue to "sew" reinforcing patches on the knees of workpants. FINE HOMEBUILDING #51 Feb-Mar 1989 pg. 28
Advice on use of gloves and dust masks when handling and cutting commercially available pressure-treated wood. FINE HOMEBUILDING #56 Oct-Nov 1989 pg. 14
Tips on protective clothing to wear when turning green wood. FINE WOODWORKING #50 Jan-Feb 1985 pg. 8
Tip: Use a handball players' glove when doing power-sanding to prevent your hand and arm from getting that "tingling" sensation. FINE WOODWORKING #50 Jan-Feb 1985 pg. 12
Tip: Decorate bib overalls with embroidered motifs. HANDMADE #8 Spring 1983 (v.3#1) pg. 35, 54
Collecting Minerals, a Handbook..." Part 3. What to wear to the dig-in. LAPIDARY JOURNAL Mar 1979 (v.32#12) pg. 2576
Tip: Use newspapers fastened around your legs as temporary leggings or shin protectors when working in briars, walking in snake-infested areas, etc. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #70 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 15
Make a pair of "brush-buster" britches. How to reinforce blue-jeans to resist being scratched by thorns when berry picking. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #76 Jul-Aug 1982 pg. 86
Tip on prolonging the life of rubber work gloves. OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1992 (v.20#6) pg. 16
Tip on making gardener's pants with padded knees. ORGANIC GARDENING Mar 1989 (v.36#3) pg. 83
Tips on protective clothing to wear when working with fresh concrete. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1988 (v.165#6) pg. 127
Tip: Use fingerless bicycling gloves to get a better grip on a hammer or screwdriver, yet still allow you to use your fingers. WOOD MAGAZINE #14 Dec 1986 (v.3#6) pg. 19