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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to build one of the most advance hang gliders. Designed by Volmer Jensen and Irv Culver. Uses a single main wing and separate tail assembly. A single control handle moves ailerons, elevator and rudder. Est. cost: $400. Plans cost $50.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #539 Apr 1973 (v.69) pg. 62

Hang gliding, our newest craze. A general discussion of the sport.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #579 Aug 1976 (v.72) pg. 33

The sport of air surfing or hang gliding is discussed.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1972 (v.137#6) pg. 98

A look at a motorized hang glider. A 12.5 hp engine makes self-launching hang gliders possible. Est. cost: $1,300 (kit).
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1976 (v.209#6) pg. 92

A look at the recent history of hang gliding and the Rogallo kite with emphasis on the aerodynamics of the sail wing.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1974 (v.231#6) pg. 138
Added Info SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1975 (v.233#2) pg. 119

A description of J.G. Hagedoorn's efforts to contrive the ultimate sailing machine, a yacht that requires no hull. Two results are described. (1) A proa fitted with a hapa (an outrigger curved keel) and (2) a man suspended from a Para-Foil with a hapa tethered to the harness (equivalent to hang-gliding over water).
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1975 (v.232#3) pg. 118