How to build one of the most advance hang gliders. Designed by Volmer Jensen and Irv Culver. Uses a single main wing and separate tail assembly. A single control handle moves ailerons, elevator and rudder. Est. cost: $400. Plans cost $50.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #539 Apr 1973 (v.69) pg. 62
Hang gliding, our newest craze. A general discussion of the sport.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #579 Aug 1976 (v.72) pg. 33
The sport of air surfing or hang gliding is discussed.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1972 (v.137#6) pg. 98
A look at a motorized hang glider. A 12.5 hp engine makes self-launching hang gliders possible. Est. cost: $1,300 (kit).
POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1976 (v.209#6) pg. 92
A look at the recent history of hang gliding and the Rogallo kite with emphasis on the aerodynamics of the sail wing.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Dec 1974 (v.231#6) pg. 138
Added Info SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1975 (v.233#2) pg. 119
A description of J.G. Hagedoorn's efforts to contrive the ultimate sailing machine, a yacht that requires no hull. Two results are described. (1) A proa fitted with a hapa (an outrigger curved keel) and (2) a man suspended from a Para-Foil with a hapa tethered to the harness (equivalent to hang-gliding over water).
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Mar 1975 (v.232#3) pg. 118