Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #42 Sep-Oct 1983 pg. 6
Shop-built folding attic stairs does not require cutting of ceiling joists.
FINE WOODWORKING #80 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 18
Easy attic access. How to install a folding, pull-down ladder.
HOME MECHANIX #730 Feb 1989 (v.85) pg. 58
Installing a lightweight, preassembled fold-down, aluminum attic ladder and insulating cover.
HOME MECHANIX #771 Dec 1992-Jan 1993 (v.88) pg. 8
Hall linen closet doubles as a ladder for access to the attic.
HOME MECHANIX #796 Jun 1995 (v.91) pg. 110
A plywood box is used to insulate the opening where a folding stairway enters the attic. A rope-and-pulley arrangement lifts the box when the folding stairway is lowered for use.
HOMEOWNER Dec 1983 (v.8#7) pg. 58
How to install a folding attic stair (pull-down ladder).
HOMEOWNER Nov 1987 (v.12#9) pg. 62
Make your pull-down attic door airtight by adding an insulated airlock on the attic side.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Nov-Dec 1981 (v.6#6) pg. 35
Installing a pre-built fold-down attic stairway.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #485 Oct 1968 (v.64) pg. 104
Tip: Make a tight seal on your attic access hatch in order to keep heat from escaping.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1980 (v.154#3) pg. 145
Build a well-insulated sliding cover to keep heat from being lost through attic access hatch.
POPULAR MECHANICS Apr 1981 (v.155#4) pg. 175
How to install a folding attic stairway.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1988 (v.165#2) pg. 121
Insulate a folding-stairway opening into an attic with a cover made from rigid insulation board.
POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1988 (v.165#9) pg. 111
Folding attic step for split-level homes.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1966 (v.188#1) pg. 133
How to install a folding attic ladder in a tight spot. Pivot mechanism allows installation in a 30" square hatch.
POPULAR SCIENCE Feb 1974 (v.204#2) pg. 158
Tip: Make a styrofoam cover to insulate the opening into an unfinished attic.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1980 (v.217#4) pg. 148
Cutting a roof truss. How to brace and box an existing roof truss so that it can be cut to install skylights, attic stairways, etc. without causing structural damage to your roof or house.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1981 (v.219#1) pg. 92
Stairs in half the space. How to construct an alternating-tread staircase (Monk's ladder or space-saving stair) for occasional access to a loft or attic.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Nov-Dec 1991 (v.6#9) pg. 26
Ladder for access to attic hangs flat against the wall when not in use.
SUNSET Oct 1983 (v.171#4) pg. 140
How to install an attic fold-down staircase.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #813 Mar 1997 (v.93) pg. 84
Easy attic access. Installing a sliding staircase for a rock-solid route to storage space.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #839 Oct 1999 (v.95) pg. 62
Tip on installing a permanent staircase to an attic inside a small (33"x37") closet.