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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


July 1982's long lunar eclipse. How to view it and how to photograph it.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1982 (v.10#7) pg. 47

Focus on luna. How to take photos of the moon.
ASTRONOMY Sep 1982 (v.10#9) pg. 50

High resolution lunar photography.
ASTRONOMY Oct 1984 (v.12#10) pg. 35

Basic lunar astrophotography.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1985 (v.13#12) pg. 69

Tips on photographing the crescent Moon with its "earthshine".
ASTRONOMY Aug 1986 (v.14#8) pg. 83

High-resolution lunar and planetary photography. Advice on equipment, film, exposure, tracking, etc.
ASTRONOMY Jan 1988 (v.16#1) pg. 70

Recording the sky on videotape. Astronomy video pioneer talks about recording the Moon and planets by attaching a videocamera to an equatorially-mounted telescope. Some tips.
ASTRONOMY Sep 1989 (v.17#9) pg. 86

Snapping the planets electronically. Choosing the optimum focal length and exposure for making CCD images of the Moon and planets.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1991 (v.19#8) pg. 54

Astrophotography basics. Staging a Moon shot. When ready to begin shooting pictures through your telescope, the Moon is a great place to start. Includes film selection, exposure time, etc.
ASTRONOMY Aug 1992 (v.20#8) pg. 62

Lunar eclipse photo tips.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1992 (v.20#12) pg. 77

French astrophotographers share their secrets for making stunning photos of the Moon.
ASTRONOMY Jul 1995 (v.23#7) pg. 68
Correction ASTRONOMY Dec 1995 (v.23#12) pg. 15

By the light of the moon. Tips on photographing the moon using a closed-circuit black-and-white video camera.
ASTRONOMY Nov 1999 (v.27#11) pg. 92

Shoot the moon in shadow. Advice on photographing a lunar eclipse.
ASTRONOMY Dec 1999 (v.27#12) pg. 92

Photographing the moon and a lunar eclipse.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #439 Dec 1964 (v.60) pg. 112

Put the moon in your photos for impact and mystery. Single exposure, double exposure, and slide duplicating techniques are viewed.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1986 (v.50#9) pg. 34
Added Info MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1987 (v.51#2) pg. 76

Making sun and moon calculations. Means of calculating the position of sun and moon for purposes of choosing a time and place to photograph a sunrise, sunset, or simply the sun or moon at some predetermined position in the sky.
PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1995 (v.38#11) pg. 48
Added Info PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1996 (v.39#5) pg. 48

Illusions at twilight. Sunset photography. The cause for the sun or moon to appear larger at the horizon are explained.
PHOTO ELECTRONIC IMAGING 1996 (v.39#6) pg. 46

Tips on taking moon pictures, and moonlit pictures.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1980 (v.8#12) pg. 103

How to photograph a sequential moonrise (multiple images of the moon on one piece of film so as to show it rising).
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1983 (v.11#11) pg. 54

Moon shots. How to place the moon into photographs where you want it. Two techniques: Sandwiching and double exposure.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1983 (v.12#6) pg. 12

Shooting the moon. How to improve your chances of finding the moon in an appropriate position to include in your landscape photos.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1994 (v.23#8) pg. 32

Shoot the moon. Fascinating lunar photos are within your reach with a few tricks of the trade.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1988 (v.165#7) pg. 99

How to create pictures showing a full moon in the background by pre-exposing a roll of film with the moon image, and then re-exposing the foreground material.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1969 (v.65#1) pg. 24

Moon shots. Double-exposure technique lets the moon rise over any night scene you want to shoot.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1985 (v.92#9) pg. 56

How to photograph the moon using a long telephoto lens (300-500mm).
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1993 (v.57#6) pg. 46

Making double exposures which combine an image of the moon with a nighttime landscape.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1997 (v.61#10) pg. 61

Making an in-camera double exposure combining a night scene and the moon.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 2002 (v.66#10) pg. 82

How to avoid incorrect exposure when photographing the moon with a manual or automatic camera.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY & IMAGING Jan 2003 (v.67#1) pg. 110

Tips on observing and photographing a total lunar eclipse.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1982 (v.63#6) pg. 602

Quest for high-resolution photography. Film, exposure time and development for making detailed photos of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn using a 10" Newtonian with a modified secondary mirror.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1986 (v.71#6) pg. 610

A camcorder assist for planetary observer. Tips on using an ordinary video camera to film bright celestial objects (moon and planets) through the eyepiece of a telescope.
SKY & TELESCOPE Oct 1990 (v.80#4) pg. 409

Shoot the moon and planets using a video camera coupled to a telescope. Permanent photographic images can then be made by photographing the monitor with a 35mm camera.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jun 1996 (v.91#6) pg. 94

Thoughts on high-resolution imaging. Attention to detail will produce high-quality lunar and planetary images using a CCD camera.
SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 2000 (v.99#1) pg. 148

How it came about that a photograph of the moon through a telescope also included the silhouette of an airliner, and how the exact airplane was established by checking airline flight plans.
TELESCOPE MAKING #3 Spring 1979 pg. 9