Added Info FINE WOODWORKING #76 May-Jun 1989 pg. 4
Frame-and-panel carcases. A classic solution for sound construction. Basic dimensions for a double cabinet and a blanket chest are also shown.
FINE WOODWORKING #85 Nov-Dec 1990 pg. 87
Blanket chest is assembled with large protruding finger joints. Feet and square plugs made from wenge wood contrast well this this elm project. Overall dimensions: 42"x20"x24" tall.
FINE WOODWORKING #115 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 54
A blanket chest with legs. Using frame-and-panel construction as an alternative to the solid sides and dovetailed corners of a traditional chest. Mortise-and-tenon joints and contrasting woods add visual interest to this chest. Overall dimensions: 23"x51"x24" tall.
FINE WOODWORKING #129 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 38
18th-Century six-board blanket chest is made using hand tools. Overall dimensions: 38"x17"x24" tall.
FINE WOODWORKING #134 Jan-Feb 1999 pg. 48
Cedar-lined veneered storage chest.
HOME CRAFTSMAN Jan 1963 pg. 44
Cabinet for blanket storage.
HOME CRAFTSMAN Mar 1963 pg. 65
Jig for shaping a compound-curve on the top of a blanket chest using an electric grinder equipped with a chain cutter.
HOME FURNITURE #2 Spring 1995 pg. 96
Six-board blanket chest is a reproduction of a Massachusetts antique. Overall dimensions: 33" wide, 17" deep, 22" tall.
HOME MECHANIX #714 Oct 1987 (v.83) pg. 90
Contemporary styled "cedar chest" is made from one sheet of 4'x8' hardwood plywood.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION May-Jun 1978 (v.67#5) pg. 50
American blanket chest. Knotty pine blanket chest features traditional early American frame-and-panel construction and is lined with aromatic red cedar.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #554 Jul 1974 (v.70) pg. 82
Simple-to-build cedar chest. Basic box is built of tongue-and-groove cedar boards glued onto 1/2" plywood. The plywood is then laminated with Marlite plastic laminate to dress up the outside.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #571 Dec 1975 (v.71) pg. 42
Classic blanket chest is built from 3/4"x6" cedar stock and then veneered with walnut. Chest measures 34"x19"x18" high.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #612 May 1979 (v.75) pg. 70
Blanket chest is made from edge-glued boards and plywood. Basically it is a box with a lid, that is painted and decorated in the style of the early 1800s. Dimensions: 46"x21"x21" deep.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #622 Mar 1980 (v.76) pg. 48
Workshop heirloom. Decorative coffee table is styled like a blanket chest or low chest of drawers. The "drawers" actually are a drop front and the chest is used to store firewood. A second style with lift top is used to store kindling.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #629 Oct 1980 (v.76) pg. 60
Cedar chest is cube shaped and features decorative frame-and-panel sides.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #79 Jan-Feb 1983 pg. 126
Build a large, old-fashioned blanket chest with lift-up top. Dimensions: 42" long, 24" wide, 22" tall.
PARENTS HOME Sep 1981 (v.5#10) pg. 50
How to convert a second-hand cedar chest into a Spanish or Mediterranian style blanket chest.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1970 (v.133#6) pg. 166
Reproduction of blanket chest built by Thomas Lincoln (Abe Lincoln's father). Overall dimensions: 23" high, 37" long, 21" wide.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1985 (v.162#2) pg. 98
Solid cherry chest for linens and blankets will challenge anyone's hand joinery technique. Overall dimensions: 22" wide, 22" high, 47" long.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1985 (v.162#11) pg. 116
Contemporary style hope chest features frame and panel construction. A master craftsman project. Overall dimensions: 48"x24"x26" tall.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #80 Sep 1994 (v.14#2) pg. 27, 39 (Insert)
Traditional blanket chest features frame-and-panel sides (with extra wide rails and stiles), a lift top, and bun feet. Sized for the foot of a king- or queen-sized bed. Overall dimensions: 57"x16"x24" tall.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #103 Jul 1998 (v.18#3) pg. 34
Shaker blanket chest. A faithful reproduction of a classic from Canaan NY (circa 1850). Features two large drawers in the bottom front and a lift-top. Overall dimensions: 40"x19"x36" tall.
POPULAR WOODWORKING #111 Nov 1999 (v.19#5) pg. 26
Natural finish pine blanket chest features box joint corners and a simple geometric pattern which has been routed and painted in the sides and ends. Overall dimensions: 19"x43"x17" tall.
WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #41 Sep 1994 (v.7#5) pg. 22
An heirloom chest is constructed in oak using mortise-and-tenon frames and then lined with cedar plywood. Overall dimensions: 49" wide, 18" deep, 20" tall.
WOOD MAGAZINE #13 Oct 1986 (v.3#5) pg. 46
Shaker-style blanket chest features box joints, cherry wood construction, and two drawers in the base of the chest. Overall dimensions: 53"x17"x23" tall.
WOOD MAGAZINE #127 Oct 2000 (v.17#7) pg. 60
Heirloom hope chest features frame-and-panel construction with contrasting walnut and cherry wood. Overall dimensions: 44"x20"x22" tall.
WOOD MAGAZINE #142 Jun-Jul 2002 (v.19#4) pg. 74, Insert
Contemporary blanket chest features frame-and-panel construction. The panels are carved in relief. A general overview of the design, construction, carving, and carving tools used.
WOODCARVING #10 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 16
Contemporary style blanket chest. Redwood and pine chest uses frame and panel construction for top and sides. Dimensions: 48" long, 18" tall, 18" wide.
WOODSMITH #16 Jul 1981 pg. 12
Blanket chest. A country classic. Features a lift-up top and 3 small storage drawers. Frame-and-panel construction and exposed dovetails are used in construction. Overall dimensions: 23"x19"x44".
WOODSMITH #32 Mar-Apr 1984 pg. 16
Hope chest features a unique corner joint which is a variation of a tongue and groove. The chest features a scrolled frame around three sides of the lid and a large drawer in the front of the chest. Overall dimensions: 38"x22"x28".
WOODSMITH #58 Aug 1988 pg. 4
Dovetail chest. Blanket chest made from pine features hand-cut dovetails at the corners, a removable sliding tray, lift top, and a simple shellac finish. Overall dimensions: 38"Lx20"Tx18"W.
WOODSMITH #100 Aug 1995 (v.17) pg. 18, 24
Improved method for attaching a chain stay to the lid of a blanket chest will prevent pull-out problems.
WOODSMITH #116 Apr 1998 (v.20) pg. 4
Heirloom blanket chest uses frame-and-panel construction for the front, back and sides. The angled front corner blocks are joined using blind dovetails and decorated with split turnings. Access is through a lift-up top. Overall dimensions: 50" long, 18" wide, 17" deep.
WOODWORK #7 Fall 1990 pg. 70
Correction WOODWORK #8 Winter 1990 pg. 6
Added Info WOODWORK #9 Spring 1991 pg. 8
A capacious coffer (blanket chest) features frame-and-panel construction for sides and top.
WOODWORKER #1086 May 1984 (v.88) pg. 280
Added Info WOODWORKER #1088 Jul 1984 (v.88) pg. 398
Knockdown two-tone blanket chest. Features black rails of "bog oak" surrounding insert panels of light oak. The whole thing can be taken apart by unscrewing 16 wooden screws. Overall dimensions: 47"x19"x30" tall.
WOODWORKER Aug 1989 (v.93#8) pg. 692
Blanket chest features frame-and-panel construction where the panels are formed from narrow boards bridged with splines. Overall dimensions: 43"x19"x17" tall.
WOODWORKER Mar 1990 (v.94#3) pg. 254
Blanket chest by Barnsley. Reproduction of an Edward Barnsley tool chest (circa 1920s). Overall dimensions: 36"x18"x17" tall.
WOODWORKER Apr 1991 (v.95#4) pg. 356
Blanket chest features frame-and-panel sides with intricate curved arches and a highly decorated top with Islamic motifs. Overall dimensions: 37"x18"x21" tall.
WOODWORKER May 1991 (v.95#5) pg. 456
Construct a traditional pine chest (blanket chest). Features frame-and-panel (raised and fielded) sides and a lift top. Overall dimensions: 34" long, 18" wide, 20" tall.
WOODWORKER Dec 1994 (v.98#12) pg. 61
Traditional frame-and-panel blanket chest (1036mmx518mmx550mm) features a frame-and-panel lift top and a combination lock mechanism fashioned from wood. The chest is decorated with herringbone pattern inlay on the muntins.
WOODWORKER Mar 1995 (v.99#3) pg. 14
Colonial blanket chest (six-board chest) features exposed dovetail joints. Measures 39" long, 19" wide and 18" deep. Sets on four "bracket" feet.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL May-Jun 1977 (v.1#3) pg. 8
Early American style pine blanket chest. A large storage area is accessed by lifting up the top. There is also a storage drawer in the bottom of the chest. Overall dimensions: 36" wide, 14" deep and 23" high.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1979 (v.3#2) pg. 13
Early American chest (blanket chest, cedar chest) will require considerable time to build. Features split turnings, molded stiles and rails, frame-and-panel construction, storage drawer in base, lift-top to large storage compartment, etc.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1982 (v.6#2) pg. 19
Elegant maple and cherry blanket chest utilizes basic frame-and-panel construction techniques. Overall dimensions: 49" wide, 19" deep, 22" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1985 (v.9#2) pg. 48
Early American blanket chest is patterned after a New England chest dated 1792. Features a fully functional drawer underneath a large storage space (well) which is reached via the lift-up top. Overall dimensions: 38" long, 19" wide, 26" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1986 (v.10#5) pg. 45
Shaker blanket chest features wide board pine construction, hand-cut dovetails, molded edge details, and well-balanced proportions. Overall dimensions: 50" long, 20" wide, 24" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1987 (v.11#1) pg. 37
Country colonial blanket chest. Features a lift top, large drawer in the base, and traditional pinwheel and fan carvings on the front. Overall dimensions: 19"x42"x30" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1994 (v.18#6) pg. 63
Early American blanket chest. 33" long x 20" wide x 30" high. Featuring simple butt joint construction or the more complicated dovetail construction. Pine lumber or veneered plywood.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1966 (v.22#2) pg. 14
Plywood under-bed storage chest for blankets and other bulky items. Chest is 48"x22"x8".
WORKBENCH Sep-Oct 1966 (v.22#5) pg. 15
Japanese chest is 48" long, 20" high, 22" wide and is cedar lined. Patterns are included for Oriental designs that can be routed or carved on top and sides.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1972 (v.28#2) pg. 62
Carved cedar chest. Pattern for star-shaped design included. "Carving" is done with a router and a jigsaw.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1972 (v.28#6) pg. 58
Cedar chest, 31" wide, 20" deep and 15" high, is made of red cedar panels. Lid is hinged at the back and chest is mounted on casters.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1978 (v.34#2) pg. 82
Massive cedar chest with raised-panel sides. Hinged top provides access. Dimensions: 39" long, 22" wide, 15" deep.
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1980 (v.36#3) pg. 82
Lift-top storage chest (cedar chest, toy box, etc.) can also double as a bench. Birch plywood unit is 48" long, 18" wide and 15" deep. Front is styled to look like four drawers.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1982 (v.38#6) pg. 22
Toy box or blanket chest design is based on some Swiss and Austrian pieces. Includes a carving based on an Austrian floral pattern. Dimensions: 36" long, 17" wide, 16" deep.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1982 (v.38#6) pg. 72
Simple six-board Shaker-style blanket chest (30"x13"x19" tall). Also available in kit form (Est. cost: $149).
WORKBENCH May-Jun 1989 (v.45#3) pg. 32
Added Info WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1989 (v.45#6) pg. 7
Sewing chest. A half-scale reproduction of a Shaker blanket chest makes perfect storage for your favorite sewing enthusiast's supplies.
WORKBENCH Oct-Nov 1992 (v.48#5) pg. 62