Poinsettia and Christmas tree bookmarks are handwoven on 16 and 8 shafts respectively. They can also be folded and used as decorative inserts for greeting cards. HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1990 (v.11#4) pg. 63, 85
Flower series bookmarks created in double-weave pick-up. Motifs include a tulip, a rose, an iris and pansies. HANDWOVEN May-Jun 1992 (v.13#3) pg. 74
Pick-up weaving of patterned bands on an inkle loom. Includes 12 seven-end pattern drafts using chevron and diamond motifs and pattern drafts for five bookmarks. Three wider bands are joined to make a purse (5"x7") with a button flap and inkle-band strap. HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1996 (v.17#1) pg. 50, 91
Lace cross bookmarks are handwoven on four shafts. A cross motif is formed in Swedish lace. HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1998 (v.19#5) pg. 26
Two plaited twill projects to weave: bookmarks and a purse. WEAVER'S JOURNAL #44 Spring 1987 (v.11#4) pg. 55