Added Info FINE GARDENING #34 Nov-Dec 1993 pg. 4
Tip on raising deep blue lace-cap hydrangea.
FINE GARDENING #37 May-Jun 1994 pg. 18
Siting and supporting climbing hydrangea to encourage growth and flowering.
FINE GARDENING #44 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 18
How to coax bountiful blooms from hydrangeas. Five species and cultivated varieties described.
FINE GARDENING #55 May-Jun 1997 pg. 38
Advice on winter care for hydrangeas.
FINE GARDENING #58 Nov-Dec 1997 pg. 14
How to propagate a potted hydrangea plant from cuttings.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1986 (v.30#3) pg. 69
Climbing hydrangea. Tips on planting, pruning and propagating this vine.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jun-Jul 1986 (v.30#4) pg. 8
How to get great colors from your hydrangea macrophlla. A look at varieties and how the acidity of the soil will affect color.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1994 (v.38#5) pg. 39
Hydrangeas. A description a half-dozen species and some of their cultivars. Includes information on their propagation, care and culture, and how H. macrophylla flowers can change colors from pink to blue.
GARDEN GATE #10 Aug 1996 pg. 18
Tip on getting the "Annabelle" hydrangea to bloom.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1995 (v.73#3) pg. 18
Tip on determining why an oakleaf hydrangea is not blooming.
HORTICULTURE Apr 1995 (v.73#4) pg. 10
Mopheads and lacecaps. The revival of hydrangeas. A guide to the various species and their care.
HORTICULTURE Jul-Aug 1998 (v.95#7) pg. 37
Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens), its characteristics and culture.
HORTICULTURE Jul-Aug 1999 (v.96#6) pg. 47
Showballs in summer. A guide to shrubs with white snowball blooms, common ornamentals in the Victorian landscape.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1997 (v.25#4) pg. 26
Versatile ornamental woody vines. Habit, growth rate, landscape use described for wisteria, clematis, honeysuckle, climbing hydrangea, kolomikta actinidia and climbing rose. Includes tips on training climbers.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1988 (v.35#7) pg. 50
Simply hydrangeas. Bigleaf, oakleaf, climbing, panicle and smooth varieties described. Tips on cutting and drying.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1998 (v.45#2) pg. 22
How to dry hydrangea and lavender for long-lasting arrangements.
SUNSET Sep 1996 (v.197#3) pg. 60