A multi-mode beam for CB and 10 meters with an option for 2 meters. A novel tri-band log periodic yagi design. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL May 1979 (v.35#5) pg. 26
A quick and dirty quad antenna for CB or 10- and 12-meter ham bands. Requires no ground plane, puts out twice the signal, and is directional. Est. cost: $15. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 98
Installing a car top CB antenna. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1964 (v.7#1) pg. 68
CB antenna analyzer with built-in RF generator measures radiation resistance, exact electrical length of transmission lines and tells about resonance. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1965 (v.8#3) pg. 60
Tips on correct mounting of a mobile rig and antenna. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1965 (v.8#3) pg. 73
Antenna control center allows switching between three antennas or two dummy loads. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1966 (v.9#3) pg. 62
Win-tenna for walkie-talkies. A base-loaded whip antenna which is temporarily fastened to an automobile window. This outside antenna allows a walkie-talkie to be used inside an automobile by attaching wire leads from the antenna to the walkie-talkie. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Mar 1967 (v.10#2) pg. 96
The easy way to install CB in your car. Tips on installing a transceiver and antenna in a car. Uses a CB/AM antenna which replaces the existing car antenna. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1967 (v.10#3) pg. 58
Mobile two-element beam antenna for CB can triple effective radiated power. Uses car roof as a ground plane and stores in trunk when not needed. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1968 (v.11#3) pg. 92
Proper installation of a roof mounted CB antenna. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1968 (v.11#5) pg. 99
Vee-Quad antenna designs for 20-, 15- and 10-meters or citizens band. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1969 (v.12#5) pg. 56
How to tune a CB antenna razor sharp. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1970 (v.13#1) pg. 89
QUAD antenna built of wood, bamboo and wire. 7.5 dB gain. Est. cost: $10. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Mar 1970 (v.13#2) pg. 84
CB direction finder loop antenna for locating transmitter. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1970 (v.13#5) pg. 47
Three-element ham yagi antenna with total tuning for the 20, 15 and 10 meters plus citizens band. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1970 (v.13#5) pg. 90
Vertical general-purpose antenna for 10-, 15-, and 20-meter bands and CB. Approximately 11-ft. tall. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Nov 1970 (v.13#6) pg. 47
An all-band whip antenna for your car will resonate in the Citizens Band and the 10-, 15-, 20-, 40-, and 80-meter amateur bands. Est. cost: $15. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1971 (v.14#1) pg. 63
A collapsible, portable base antenna can be erected in 10 to 15 minutes by one man to a height of 30 feet. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED May 1971 (v.14#3) pg. 78
Get your CB signals all put out. Legal ways to boost your CB signal by matching your antenna to your receiver. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1971 (v.11#2) pg. 63
Inside CB. Follow these technical antenna tips for the most efficient mobile transmission. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1975 (v.15#2) pg. 69
Customizing CB mobile antennas. How to select and install the best mobile antenna for your application. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1976 (v.16#2) pg. 55
Photos illustrate the installation of a solderless Amphenol 83-58FCP antenna connector. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Nov-Dec 1976 (v.16#6) pg. 52
How to install the Tenna CBE-10 electric driven disappearing CB antenna that retracts into your automobile body. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1977 (v.17#1) pg. 76
Six antenna tuning tips for CB radio. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Sep-Oct 1978 (v.18#5) pg. 37
Add a directional loop antenna to your CB or ham rig. Use it to locate a source of interference or to locate the position of a transmitter. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Fall 1984 (v.2#2) pg. 50
How to choose a CB antenna for a vehicle. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #588 May 1977 (v.73) pg. 50
Mobile antennas. Complete easy-to-understand explanation of CB antennas for cars, trucks and RVs. MODERN ELECTRONICS [1] Feb 1978 (v.1#1) pg. 76
Simple 27-MHz CB direction finder loop antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Mar 1989 (v.7#7) pg. 36
Tips on refurbishing and repairing outdoor CB antennas. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1989 (v.7#9) pg. 51
Tip on grounding your CB antenna against lightning strikes. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jun 1989 (v.7#10) pg. 47
Design for an excellent temporary CB dipole antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1990 (v.8#9) pg. 66
Build a compact CB base station antenna that is the equivalent of a single-element full-wavelength omnidirectional type. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Oct 1991 (v.10#2) pg. 53
Tip on using a dummy load as a short range CB antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Oct 1991 (v.10#2) pg. 54
CB antenna duplexer which allows switching between two different antennas. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Nov 1991 (v.10#3) pg. 45
Cleaning and painting an outdoor CB antenna to improve reception and lengthen its life. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Nov 1991 (v.10#3) pg. 45
How to tune up a long wire antenna for CB use. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Dec 1991 (v.10#4) pg. 36
CB dipole is a handy emergency antenna that does a reasonably good job. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Dec 1991 (v.10#4) pg. 36
Homemade base antenna for CB is built from a 20-ft. wooden pole, coat hangers, wire and some insulators. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jan 1992 (v.10#5) pg. 35
How to use a long-wire antenna for CB radio by means of a simple tuner. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Mar 1992 (v.10#7) pg. 58
Quickie ground plane type antenna for CB radio is made from wire and assorted scraps. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Mar 1992 (v.10#7) pg. 59
CB antenna made from 9-ft. of 300-ohm TV twin lead. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Mar 1992 (v.10#7) pg. 60
Combine coax cable, a chain link fence, and a tree to make an effective CB antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1992 (v.10#9) pg. 54
How to adapt an unused TV antenna for use as a CB antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1992 (v.10#9) pg. 57
How to use a permanently-mounted vehicle antenna as a temporary or emergency antenna for a CB base station. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jul 1992 (v.10#11) pg. 60
CB base antenna is made from an 11-ft. length of 2x4, 300-ohm TV lead, stand-off insulators and a ground rod. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Oct 1992 (v.11#2) pg. 74
CB quad loop type antenna that attaches to your ceiling. Ideal for apartment dwellers. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1993 (v.11#9) pg. 30
Understanding SWR (standing wave ratio) and how to hook up an SWR meter to check out a CB antenna system. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Feb 1994 (v.12#6) pg. 72
Tips on selecting and installing a mobile CB antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Apr 1994 (v.12#8) pg. 32
Tips on selecting coax cable to connect the antenna to a CB radio. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS May 1994 (v.12#9) pg. 50
Using a loaded mobile whip CB antenna as an attic-mounted base station antenna by providing an adequate ground plane made from copper sheet, copper screening, or copper wire. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jul 1994 (v.12#11) pg. 51
Schematic for the "Vampire Bat" CB antenna. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Jul 1995 (v.13#11) pg. 82
Information on using a "Rice-Pot" antenna ground (made from a plastic bucket, wire coil, rock salt, and antifreeze) to form an RF ground for a CB rig. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS Oct 1996 (v.15#2) pg. 48
Which antenna to use in order to get the best performance from a CB base station. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1968 (v.29#2) pg. 58
Tips on installing and using the Avanti "Astro-Plane" CB antenna. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1970 (v.33#5) pg. 76
Which antenna for CB. How to select your most important accessory. Covers both mobile and base-station antennas. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1973 (v.3#1) pg. 64
Antennas for CB'ers and hams. Part 1. Clearing away half truths and superstitions. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1973 (v.4#3) pg. 95
Antennas for CB'ers and hams. Part 2. Some unusual antenna configurations are discussed. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1973 (v.4#4) pg. 51
Checking antenna efficiency. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1974 (v.5#6) pg. 88
Selecting and installing antennas for cars. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1974 (v.6#1) pg. 89
A user's guide to mobile CB antennas. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1974 (v.6#2) pg. 51
New antenna rules allow 60-ft heights in some cases. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1974 (v.6#6) pg. 98
How to mount mobile antennas on car, camper and motor-home. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1975 (v.7#4) pg. 70
CB commumication range. What affects range and some of the things which you can do to improve the range. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Aug 1975 (v.8#2) pg. 53
How to choose CB base station antennas. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1976 (v.9#4) pg. 50
How to avoid an inefficient CB antenna system. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Oct 1976 (v.10#4) pg. 86
More on mobile antennas. Radiation patterns, antenna types, mounting, and other considerations. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1976 (v.10#6) pg. 94
Choosing a mobile CB antenna. How to select and install mobile CB antennas. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1978 (v.13#4) pg. 69, 73
Special focus on mobile sound & CB. Includes a systems approach to car stereo, polarity protection for mobile equipment, electronic signal-seeking car radios, and tuning your CB antenna with a field strength meter. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1979 (v.15#6) pg. 41
A quick and dirty quad antenna for the 10- or 12-meter band. Est. cost: $15. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1992 (v.9#9) pg. 48
How to select the right antenna for your car. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1976 (v.145#3) pg. 86
Maximize your CB transmissions. Tips on tuning your antenna for the lowest SWR. POPULAR MECHANICS May 1977 (v.147#5) pg. 262
Add a light to the tip of your antenna which will light up when you transmit. Est. cost: $1. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1977 (v.147#6) pg. 178
How to install a CB base antenna. Includes instructions for both chimney and wall mounting. POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1977 (v.211#1) pg. 97
Graphed patterns show the effect of various CB antenna placements on a car. POPULAR SCIENCE Dec 1977 (v.211#6) pg. 90
Tips on selecting and mounting antennas for the new 40 channel mobile transceivers. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1977 (v.48#2) pg. 45
What you should know about CB antennas. The facts and fallacies surrounding CB antennas, mounts and installation techniques. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Oct 1977 (v.48#10) pg. 64
How to install and use the Gold Line "Intenna", a window-mounted CB antenna. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1982 (v.53#2) pg. 82
Tips on selecting and using a good antenna. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Aug-Sep 1967 (v.23#1) pg. 84
Simple coax dipole antenna to serve as emergency or temporary base antenna. Made from 17 feet of copper wire suspended vertically from a tree limb. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Oct-Nov 1967 (v.23#2) pg. 66
A 16-ft. or longer coax antenna suspended from tree limb will outperform any whip antenna. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Oct-Nov 1967 (v.23#2) pg. 70
A low-cost, center-loaded R/C antenna makes a good CB antenna for apartment dwellers or temporary locations. Est. cost: $3. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Aug-Sep 1968 (v.25#1) pg. 49