Pruning and moving a mature sugar maple tree.
FINE GARDENING #40 Nov-Dec 1994 pg. 16
Four cold-hardy subsitutes for a Japanese maple that can be pruned horizontally are suggested.
FINE GARDENING #47 Jan-Feb 1996 pg. 16
How to get rid of aphids on maple trees.
FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 22
Potting a Japanese maple. How to grow a dwarf tree in a large (15- to 30-gallon) tub. Root and branch pruning, watering and fertilizing are described.
FINE GARDENING #50 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 30
An explanation of what causes galls on maple leaves.
FINE GARDENING #56 Jul-Aug 1997 pg. 16
Japanese maples (Acer palmatum) for spring color. A look at prized cultivars, their characteristics and culture.
FINE GARDENING #65 Jan-Feb 1999 pg. 22
Correction FINE GARDENING #66 Mar-Apr 1999 pg. 4
Tip on how to weed out oak, poplar and maple seedlings.
FINE GARDENING #66 Mar-Apr 1999 pg. 10
The colorful, diverse uses of Japanese maples, and a list of the most distinctive species.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1985 (v.29#5) pg. 8
Directions for moving a 3-ft. tall Japanese maple.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jan-Feb 1990 (v.34#1) pg. 71
Japanese maples. How to select the cultivar that best suits a home landscape.
FLOWER & GARDEN Oct-Nov 1996 (v.40#5) pg. 36
Bigtooth maple. A tree to plant for its fall color.
FLOWER & GARDEN Sep-Oct 1997 (v.41#5) pg. 42
The style and grace of Japanese maples. A description of cultivars of varying size, form, color and leaf types. Design uses, care and culture summarized.
GARDEN GATE #17 Oct 1997 pg. 26
A sampler of 12 desirable varieties of Japanese maples.
HORTICULTURE Mar 1996 (v.74#3) pg. 44
The amateur scientist. The aerodynamics of the samara, the winged seed of the maple, the ash and other trees.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Oct 1981 (v.245#4) pg. 226
Tips on raising Japanese maples in California.
SUNSET Feb 1977 (v.158#2) pg. 175
Selecting and raising a Japanese maple tree.
SUNSET Nov 1990 (v.185#5) pg. 100