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Detailed entries for one subject from the INDEX TO HOW TO DO IT INFORMATION.
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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   NUT
xx   TREE

The mighty oaks. Selecting and planting long-lived oak trees for landscaping purposes.
FINE GARDENING #16 Nov-Dec 1990 pg. 65
Added Info FINE GARDENING #18 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 4

Tip on how to weed out oak, poplar and maple seedlings.
FINE GARDENING #66 Mar-Apr 1999 pg. 10

Willow oak, a superb home landscape and street tree.
FLOWER & GARDEN Jan-Feb 1997 (v.41#1) pg. 24

Advice on pruning oaks so as not to spread oak wilt.
GARDEN GATE #30 Dec 1999 pg. 5

Step-by-step guide to raising an oak tree from an acorn.
HORTICULTURE Oct 1994 (v.72#8) pg. 56

Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea), its characteristics and culture.
HORTICULTURE Sep-Oct 1999 (v.96#7) pg. 68

Tips on growing your own oak tree to produce acorns for food.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #89 Sep-Oct 1984 pg. 83

How to raise an oak tree from an acorn.
SUNSET Oct 1979 (v.163#4) pg. 224

How to fight oak root fungus (armillaria mellea).
SUNSET Nov 1980 (v.165#5) pg. 108

Tips on protecting California's native oak trees.
SUNSET Nov 1983 (v.171#5) pg. 296

Collecting and planting acorns from oak trees.
SUNSET Nov 1988 (v.181#5) pg. 230B

Planting an oak tree. Both acorn and container-grown planting is described.
SUNSET Oct 1990 (v.185#4) pg. 80

Oak tree ailments, their prevention and treatment.
SUNSET Oct 1990 (v.185#4) pg. 190

How to manage a small woodlot of hardwood trees for profit. Includes chart of the stumpage value of a properly managed red oak tree.
WOOD MAGAZINE #105 Apr 1998 (v.15#3) pg. 84