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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   VINE

An explanation of factors that keep wisteria from blooming and things that can be done to produce flowers.
FINE GARDENING #21 Sep-Oct 1991 pg. 12

Advice on transplanting wisteria.
FINE GARDENING #29 Jan-Feb 1993 pg. 14

The irresistible wisteria. Planting, training, and pruning the wisteria vine.
FINE GARDENING #38 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 54
Added Info FINE GARDENING #41 Jan-Feb 1995 pg. 4
Added Info FINE GARDENING #48 Mar-Apr 1996 pg. 6

Attributes of American wisteria (W. frutescens) noted.
FINE GARDENING #55 May-Jun 1997 pg. 24

An explanation of why wisteria blooms may be disappointing and tactics to increase flowering.
FINE GARDENING #57 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 12

How to control wisteria. Suggestions on supports and pruning.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1986 (v.30#3) pg. 41

Romantic wisteria. A guide to Japanese, Chinese and native American species. Tips on their culture and advice on forcing them to bloom.
FLOWER & GARDEN May-Jun 1997 (v.41#3) pg. 30

The wonderful world of wisteria. A look at the most popular species and cultivars. Advice on how to use it in the home landscape, its care and culture. Tips show how to prune it to encourage better blooming.
GARDEN GATE #22 Aug 1998 pg. 30

Raising standards. How to train a tree or shrub that would normally assume a bushy or floppy outline to become a single stem. Sketches show how to train a standard privet and a standard wisteria.
HORTICULTURE Jan 1993 (v.71#1) pg. 58

Versatile ornamental woody vines. Habit, growth rate, landscape use described for wisteria, clematis, honeysuckle, climbing hydrangea, kolomikta actinidia and climbing rose. Includes tips on training climbers.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1988 (v.35#7) pg. 50

Tips on pruning a wisteria to force it to bloom.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1989 (v.36#6) pg. 19

Pruning and fertilizing wisteria.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul-Aug 1990 (v.37#6) pg. 68

How to prune a wisteria.
SUNSET Jan 1978 (v.160#1) pg. 120

How to plant, maintain, and prune wisteria so it will cover the trellis roof of a deck.
SUNSET Mar 1980 (v.164#3) pg. 80

Tips on pruning for more wisteria bloom.
SUNSET May 1984 (v.172#5) pg. 280