Chain saw maintenance and sharpening. FAMILY HANDYMAN #197 Mar 1979 (v.29#3) pg. 62
Tips on sharpening a chain saw blade. FAMILY HANDYMAN #312 Oct 1990 (v.40#9) pg. 86
Sharpening chain saws using simple hand tools. FAMILY HANDYMAN #393 Nov 1998 (v.48#10) pg. 19
Chain saw "horse sense". Basic information on using a chainsaw to cut firewood. Includes a homemade jig for filing your own blades. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #67 Jan-Feb 1981 pg. 168
Build an electric chain saw sharpener. Its DC motor can be operated directly off a car or truck battery so saws can be sharpened in the field. MOTHER EARTH NEWS #96 Nov-Dec 1985 pg. 116
Put the bite back into your chain saw. What is available in commercial chain saw sharpening tools and tips on their use. ORGANIC GARDENING Sep 1981 (v.28#9) pg. 118
Saw sharpening tricks and techniques. Covers handsaws, circular saws, and chain saws. POPULAR MECHANICS Jun 1977 (v.147#6) pg. 116
How to sharpen your chain saw using both the hand filing and electric filing method. POPULAR SCIENCE Mar 1983 (v.222#3) pg. 86
New anti-kickback chains are even safer if you know how to keep them sharp. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1985 (v.226#6) pg. 95
Keep your chain saw sharp. Some tips. WOOD MAGAZINE #20 Dec 1987 (v.4#6) pg. 99
Chainsaw sharpening fixture is bent from sheet metal and uses an electric hand grinder to sharpen the blade while it is still on the saw. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1981 (v.37#1) pg. 98