Added Info CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1983 (v.6#8) pg. 6
Build a modern breakfast nook which features a 54"x36" table covered with 54 6"x6" ceramic tiles. Also includes instructions for building padded benches with padded back rests which attach to the walls in the corner of your kitchen.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Sep 1985 (v.8#12) pg. 22
Southwest-style kitchen table and benches are built from pine. Feature Navajo designs in the form of cutouts and in the tiled tabletop (28"x38").
CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1994 (v.17#8) pg. 34
Classic kitchen table made from oak utilizes hidden metal brackets to eliminate the need for mortise-and-tenon joints between the ready-made legs and the skirts (aprons). Tabletop (33"x49") is oak plywood edged with solid oak.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Oct 1994 (v.18#1) pg. 34
Contemporary kitchen table and chairs are built from oak. Utilizes the pinned lap joint and the anchored end-grain joint to add strength without the need for cutting mortise-and-tenon joints. The table is a trestle design.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP May 1995 (v.18#8) pg. 56
Three woodworking projects for authentic country kitchen charm. (1) Country table shaped like a tall, narrow stool. (2) Wooden rack to store and display dishes. (3) Simple wall shelf to hold a clock, etc.
DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Oct 1982 (v.13#8) pg. 52
How to convert an old kitchen table to a work table with a butcher-block top.
FAMILY CIRCLE Aug 7 1979 (v.92#11) pg. 95, 111
Pass-through breakfast bar includes storage space and a sliding table that can be used on either side of the bar.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #114 Feb 1970 (v.20#1) pg. 40
Swing-down table for a tight kitchen. Booth built around a refrigerator has a recessed message center for telephone and cork board. Outside wall of booth has a decorative swing-down table that protrudes only 3" when upright and looks like a modern wall decoration. Swung down, the table can accommodate four people.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #140 Dec 1972 (v.22#9) pg. 38
Kitchen table has a plastic laminate top set into a frame of decorative wood. The 64"x30" top features a large overhang, four legs, and decorative stretchers and rails.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #215 Jan 1981 (v.31#1) pg. 54
My kitchen table. A large, sturdy, knockdown design for a man on the move. Features a 5/4 maple top supported by four large lathe-turned legs and a rugged apron and gusset system.
FINE WOODWORKING #123 Mar-Apr 1997 pg. 66
An adjustable-height table for the kitchen features a top which can be raised an additional 6" when using it for food preparation while standing.
FURNITURE #1 1992 pg. 76
Roll-around kitchen work table has a stepped top, a rack for hanging utensils from the back, and a lower shelf for storing bulky items.
HANDY ANDY May 1980 (v.4#8) pg. 46
Durable kitchen table is made by covering a flush door with rock tiles (slabs of decorative rock or gemstone cut into various shapes). Designs also shown for two inlaid tables with butterfly and dragon pattern.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #549 Jul 1983 pg. 17
Build a stainless steel and formica breakfast bar.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #449 Oct 1965 (v.61) pg. 100
Circular breakfast table. 42" diameter top is made from plywood covered with plastic laminate. The base is made from select pine. Est. cost: $66
NEW SHELTER Oct 1982 (v.3#8) pg. 47
How to build a 25" square butcher block table for a kitchen. Top is constructed from maple. Includes instructions for lathe-turning the legs.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1977 (v.24#12) pg. 89
Six kitchen accessories built from pine. Most incorporate some slatted and/or grid construction. (1) Utensil and spice rack. (2) Cookbook rack. (3) Serving tray with dividers to keep glasses from spilling. (4) Folding table. Top measures 18"x60". (5) Wall-hung rack for pots. (6) Wall-hung rack for mugs (cups).
POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1985 (v.162#3) pg. 118
Shaker-styled, all-maple kitchen table features a thick top assembled by edge-joining thirteen narrow boards. Four tapered legs and a simple apron complete the assembly. Overall dimensions: 33"x49"x29" high.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1990 (v.167#2) pg. 75
Make a basic rectangular dining or kitchen table consisting of three parts (top, rails, set of 4 legs).
POPULAR WOODWORKING #41 Feb-Mar 1988 (v.7#5) pg. 29
How to build a banquette, a built-in dining table/seating booth.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Nov-Dec 1986 (v.1#3) pg. 54
Cook's table-island. Sturdy work table with a butcher block top. Frame is made of 2x4 and 4x4 redwood. Top measures 35"x25".
SUNSET Oct 1981 (v.167#4) pg. 117
Tip: Kitchen peninsula ends in a 5-ft. circle "table".
SUNSET Sep 1984 (v.173#3) pg. 104
Three mini kitchens. Design and storage ideas for the small kitchen. (1) J-molding to hang pots, (2) adjustable height kitchen table, and (3) range hood.
WOMAN'S DAY Sep 22 1981 (v.44#15) pg. 74, 130
Country-style kitchen table features breadboard ends, a rock-solid top, turned legs, a natural-color top and a painted base. Top measures 60"x36". A related article descibes how to lathe-turn four matching legs.
WOOD MAGAZINE #89 Aug 1996 (v.13#5) pg. 36, 42, Insert
Tip on the best finish for a solid oak kitchen table.
WOODWORK #29 Oct 1994 pg. 33
Pattern and cutting list for a circular pine table with four legs. Suitable for kitchen or dining. Dimensions: 860mm diameter, 710mm tall.
WOODWORKER #1051 Jun 1981 (v.85) pg. 380
The everyday table designed for a cottage kitchen. Pine table has a 35" top, four splayed legs and two folding leaves.
WOODWORKER #1090 Sep 1984 (v.88) pg. 574
Window table (18"x36"x29" tall) and bench (11"x30"x19" tall) for a small kitchen. The bench is suspended underneath the table on rails when not in use and can function as a shelf if desired. Reprinted from June 1944 issue.
WOODWORKER Jun 1994 (v.98#6) pg. 106
Country bake-room table features a large top (66"x22"), two large storage drawers and a large storage shelf for pots, pans, crocks, etc. Top and drawer fronts are natural-finished pine. Base is painted poplar.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Sep-Oct 1989 (v.13#5) pg. 38
Baker's bench. A large, bench-like kitchen work table features five large storage drawers, storage shelf and a granite top. Overall dimensions: 29"x53"x36" tall.
WOODWORKER'S JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1998 (v.22#2) pg. 44
Breakfast nook incorporates generous storage. Constructed mostly of plywood with plastic laminate. Includes plans for a folding camp-stool for use at open end of the table.
WORKBENCH Mar-Apr 1980 (v.36#2) pg. 123
Simple country kitchen table made of common yellow pine. The 32"x36" top also has a single drop leaf which opens to form a 40"x36" top.
WORKBENCH Nov-Dec 1985 (v.41#6) pg. 63