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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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Tip on making sharp edges on artboard negative holders by covering them with precision-slit tape.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Dec 1992 (v.14#12) pg. 15

Tip on adding a self-adhesive foam rubber seal to a negative carrier to reduce light leakage.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Jan 1993 (v.15#1) pg. 5

Tip on eliminating newton rings when using a glass carrier (or printing film sandwiched together).
CAMERA & DARKROOM Feb 1993 (v.15#2) pg. 5

Tip on aligning a negative carrier by using a piece of film with "X's" in the corners of the image.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY May-Jun 1980 (v.2#3) pg. 14

Tip: Make enlarger negative carriers from mat board or thin plywood.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1981 (v.3#5) pg. 14

Pin-registered negative carrier you can make yourself allows you to make first-rate posterizations.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1983 (v.5#1) pg. 48

Three handy enlarger accessories you can make. (1) Slide carrier. (2) "Sticky" easel which holds paper flat. (3) Focus knob extender.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1984 (v.6#6) pg. 64
Added Info DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1985 (v.7#5) pg. 6

Tips on avoiding Newton's Rings by using a glass negative carrier in an enlarger.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1985 (v.7#7) pg. 8

Tip: Use black artificial leather to seal light leaks between negative carrier and enlarger's head.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1988 (v.10#4) pg. 14

Emergency negative carrier made from paper.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #438 Nov 1964 (v.60) pg. 111

Homemade cardboard jig slips into a 4"x5" enlarger for holding small negatives: 35mm, Instamatic, etc.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #501 Feb 1970 (v.66) pg. 132

How to polish glass negative carriers.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1970 (v.34#7) pg. 32

Tip: How to tilt your negative holder to control perspective.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1982 (v.46#9) pg. 97

Tip: Use gum arabic to eliminate "Newton rings" when using a glass negative carrier.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1982 (v.46#10) pg. 97

What is available in special negative carriers and what do they do for you.
PHOTOMETHODS Feb 1976 (v.19#2) pg. 29

Tip: Determine the negative carrier height for each size enlargement to speed enlarger setup and focusing.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1984 (v.161#12) pg. 68

Tip: Coat underside of enlarger negative holders with Kodak No.4 black lacquer to prevent reflections.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1985 (v.162#1) pg. 162

Make little-needed film carrier from cardboard.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1967 (v.60#6) pg. 28

Tips on eliminating Newton Rings when using glass-style negative carriers.
RANGEFINDER Jun 1990 (v.39#6) pg. 58

Bordering your black-and-white prints. How to modify negative carriers to print natural black borders.
SHUTTERBUG #274 Jul 1993 (v.22#9) pg. 90

Focus, compose, and expose. An overview of the various styles of negative carriers.
SHUTTERBUG #337 Oct 1998 (v.27#12) pg. 14