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Antenna accessories for the ham shack. Part 7. R.F. signal generator, frequency counter, absorption wavemeter, frequency meter, and Lecher wires.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Apr 1983 (v.39#4) pg. 82

Gate-dip meter (a MOSFET version of a grid-dip meter). Use to (1) check the resonate frequency of tuned circuits and antennas, (2) as an RF-generator, or (3) as an absorption wavemeter.

Wavemeter consists of a turntable resonant circuit and detector and covers 3.2 to 10 mc and 8.6 to 35 mc. Est. cost: $3.
ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Sep 1969 (v.12#5) pg. 32

Marine band wavemeter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1965 (v.22#5) pg. 44

Useful RF (radio frequency) circuits. (1) RF-Sniffer can be used to hunt for RF-noise or indicate that a transmitter is operating. (2) RF-detector probe allows a DC voltmeter to indicate the presence of powerful radio waves. (3) Sensitive RF-detector probe allows a meter to detect small RF signals. (4) Wideband RF instrument amplifier. (5) Tuned or untuned RF wavemeter will provide an indication of the output level of a transmitter signal as radiated from an antenna or dummy load. (6) 100 kHz crystal calibrator RF source to calibrate receivers, sweep generators, signal generators, or other RF sources.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1991 (v.8#7) pg. 55

Build a gate-dip meter (a MOSFET version of the grid-dip meter). Use it to check resonant frequency of tuned circuits and antennas, as an RF-generator, or an absorption wavemeter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1994 (v.11#11) pg. 37