Added Info COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jun 1985 (v.69#6) pg. 5
How to make homemade fruit pectin from crab apples.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1991 (v.75#6) pg. 15
Planning ahead for canning food. Tips on proper directions, equipment, techniques, etc.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1998 (v.82#4) pg. 60
Special feature on home canning includes lots of tips.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Jul-Aug 1999 (v.83#4) pg. 32
How to can and preserve fruits & vegetables.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug 1979 (v.23#8) pg. 18
Best methods for preserving basic garden vegetables and fruits.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1981 (v.25#5) pg. 39
Tips on choosing the best vegetables to grow for canning and freezing.
FLOWER & GARDEN Apr-May 1982 (v.26#3) pg. 80
Tips on growing and preserving vegetables and fruit.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1982 (v.26#5) pg. 30
Preserving the harvest. A guide to canning, freezing and dehydrating. Chart lists the best methods for preserving popular fruits and vegetables.
FLOWER & GARDEN Nov 1999 (v.43#5) pg. 20
Mini-treasury of home-canning safety tips. Advice on the best way to sterilize jars and lids, how to seal preserves property and why preserves develop mould.
HARROWSMITH COUNTRY LIFE #130 Oct 1996 (v.21) pg. 14
A round-up of information on home canning. Covers methods of canning, with emphasis on pressure-cooker canning. Includes cooking timetables, food preparation instructions and information on sources of canning equipment.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO #5 Spring 1977 (v.2#1) pg. 90
A new way to preserve tomatoes. New canning method developed in 1978 by Dr. Ryman and McCaskey using calcium chloride. Canned tomatoes are firm and much like fresh, vine-ripened ones. Adjusted recipe that decreases the amount of calcium chloride to a 1% solution.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Sep-Oct 1979 (v.4#5) pg. 21
How to blanch vegetables.
KITCHEN GARDEN #1 Feb-Mar 1996 pg. 74
Added Info KITCHEN GARDEN #2 Apr-May 1996 pg. 6
Do-it-yourself canning. Basic instructions.
MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #629 Oct 1980 (v.76) pg. 128
How to preserve produce without refrigeration. Looks at the root cellar, food drying, and canning.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #10 Jul 1971 pg. 80
Tip: How to use paper instead of paraffin to seal jam and jelly jars.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #70 Jul-Aug 1981 pg. 44
Outdoor canning cooker, fired with wood, is built from a 55-gallon drum, grating, conduit, pipe and miscellaneous fitting.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #99 May-Jun 1986 pg. 102
A close-up look at the home canning process.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1978 (v.25#8) pg. 66
Safety tips for home canning.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jul 1979 (v.26#7) pg. 108
Two easy ways to produce pectin in your kitchen so you may can sugar-free preserves.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1980 (v.27#6) pg. 86
Comparative costs of canning, freezing, and drying.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1980 (v.27#8) pg. 58
Processing food in a pressure canner will minimize food spoilage. Some tips.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1981 (v.28#6) pg. 82
Canning food in eight easy steps.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1999 (v.46#5) pg. 29