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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   LOOM

Tip: Color code heddles to denote harness and for easier counting.
HANDWOVEN Mar 1981 (v.2#2) pg. 11

Tip: Make your own correction heddles out of regular steel heddles.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1985 (v.6#1) pg. 95

Tip on how to keep track of the number of heddles on a harness without counting.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1987 (v.8#2) pg. 19

Tip: How to make a repair heddle with safety pins on each end.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1988 (v.9#2) pg. 13

How to make a storage unit for spare heddles.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1988 (v.9#5) pg. 13

Tip: Easy way to transfer heddles from one shaft to another.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1989 (v.10#5) pg. 18

Tip: Mark every tenth heddle with bright nail polish to make counting them easier.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1989 (v.10#5) pg. 18

Tip for storing heddles on large safety pins.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1990 (v.11#2) pg. 108

Tip describes how to clean rusty loom reeds.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1992 (v.13#5) pg. 18

Advice on reed sizes that a weaver might want to own.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1993 (v.14#4) pg. 57

Tip shows how to make repair heddles from cord.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1995 (v.16#5) pg. 22

How to change a reed in a loom to correct sett error after weaving has begun.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1996 (v.17#1) pg. 22

Tip on removing rust from flat metal heddles.
HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1997 (v.18#2) pg. 24

How to keep unused heddles away from the warp.
HANDWOVEN May-Jun 1997 (v.18#3) pg. 24

How to remove extra flat-steel heddles and store them in the proper order.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1997 (v.18#4) pg. 25

An easy way to transfer heddles from one shaft to another.
HANDWOVEN Nov-Dec 1997 (v.18#5) pg. 20

Tip suggests color-coding heddles to make the threading process easier.
HANDWOVEN Sep-Oct 1998 (v.19#4) pg. 25

Tip on how to make string heddles slide more easily.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1999 (v.20#1) pg. 6

Tip suggests marking ends of repair heddles for easy identification and removal.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1999 (v.20#1) pg. 6

How to tie a string heddle.
HANDWOVEN Jan-Feb 1999 (v.20#1) pg. 78

How to use knotless cords and heddles on a counter-march Loom.
SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #46 Spring 1981 (v.12#2) pg. 18

Making and using a loop heddle jig.
SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #49 Winter 1981 (v.13#1) pg. 10

Weaving project ideas. Includes a blanket, "woven" fringe, fabric reproduction, and long-eyed heddles.
SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #59 Summer 1984 (v.15#3) pg. 66

Tip on enlarging the eyes of metal weaving heddles.
THREADS #45 Feb-Mar 1993 pg. 10

The use of long-eyed heddles for patterned double weave.
WEAVER'S JOURNAL #22 Fall 1981 (v.6#2) pg. 35

How to tie your own string heddles. Includes instruction for making a heddle jig, a measuring stick and a heddle rack.
WEAVER'S JOURNAL #41 Summer 1986 (v.11#1) pg. 65