A tisket, a tasket, three stitches in a basket. Miniature bead woven basket (3/4" high by 1-1/2" diameter) and picnic cloth (2-1/2" square). Basket is worked in three-drop circular peyote stitch with a square-stitch handle. Cloth is worked in a right-angle weave using round seed beads. BEAD & BUTTON #20 Aug 1997 pg. 32
The basics of miniature basketry. CREATIVE CRAFTS & MINIATURES #91 Feb 1983 (v.8#7) pg. 26
Making miniature baskets. Four different techniques described. CREATIVE CRAFTS & MINIATURES #98 Apr 1984 (v.9#2) pg. 34
How to make tiny knitting baskets from acorn caps. Can be used for miniature displays, doll houses or as lapel pins. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Mar 1977 (v.8#2) pg. 10
How to make a wicker-like miniature basket without weaving. DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Sep 1997 (v.27#9) pg. 48
How to twine a miniature basket using Mizuhiki, a Japanese paper cord. DOLLHOUSE MINIATURES Sep 1998 (v.28#9) pg. 54
How to twine miniature baskets from yarn over a jute base. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING NEEDLECRAFT Spring-Summer 1978 pg. 84, 126
Miniature basket is filled with needlework supplies. NUTSHELL NEWS Jan 1992 (v.22#1) pg. 90
A crafter's tool basket in 1" scale is filled with familiar crafting items (glue, brushes, scissors, etc.). NUTSHELL NEWS Aug 1992 (v.22#8) pg. 90
Miniature wooden baskets. (1) Loon basket, (2) Shaker-style basket, (3) twig basket, (4) watermelon basket, and (5) slat basket. NUTSHELL NEWS Feb 1993 (v.23#2) pg. 88
Weaving miniature baskets from silver wire and silver strip. SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #73 Winter 1987-88 (v.19#1) pg. 40
Very small projects. What to do with small amounts of handspun yarn. Suggestions include (1) buttons, (2) miniature baskets filled with skeins of yarn for Yule tree ornaments, (3) knitting needle pins, (4) tiny mittens, (5) headbands, (6) needle holders and (7) greeting cards. SPIN-OFF Spring 1996 (v.20#1) pg. 56