Added Info PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1978 (v.7#8) pg. 25
How to make a flash switch to plug into a PC cord that allows the flash to be fired independently of the camera.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1980 (v.9#5) pg. 97
How to build a radio control for your camera and flash from the remains of an inexpensive radio-controlled toy car. Est. cost: $10.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1985 (v.13#11) pg. 58
Rainbow strobo. Using a stroboscope and colored gels to achieve multiple-image colored photographs. Includes instructions on making a "bicycle wheel flash sequencer."
PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1987 (v.16#7) pg. 16
Tips on choosing between front and rear flash sync when photographing moving objects using a long exposure.
PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1997 (v.26#1) pg. 28
Circuit for a slave flash triggering circuit which can fire up to three lamps. Tips on controlling slave flash.
PHOTOMETHODS Sep 1974 (v.17#9) pg. 48
The basics of electronic control of photoflash units reviewed.
PHOTOMETHODS Oct 1974 (v.17#10) pg. 54
Simple circuit to test sync cords.
PHOTOMETHODS Apr 1977 (v.20#4) pg. 53
Synchronizing studio strobe to camera shutters. Relationship between flash duration and the camera is explained.
PHOTOMETHODS Oct 1989 (v.32#10) pg. 24
Simple slave strobe sync adapter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1964 (v.20#5) pg. 59
Convert any electronic flash unit to a cordless, reliable, light-actuated slave with an easy-to-build adapter.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1965 (v.22#3) pg. 61
Slave switch fires standard or electronic flash gun up to 30 ft. away.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Mar 1966 (v.24#3) pg. 30
Device using silicon controlled rectifier cuts down the high voltage across camera flash contacts, thus extending their life. Use with electronic flash guns.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] May 1966 (v.24#5) pg. 14
Slave unit flashes when it "sees" a light, "feels" a touch, or "hears" a noise.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1966 (v.24#6) pg. 56
Slave flash trigger drives either conventional or electronic flash guns.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1968 (v.28#1) pg. 65
Simple electronic photoflash circuit uses low-cost plastic-encapsulated SCR.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1970 (v.32#4) pg. 92
Remote photoflash slave adapter circuit.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1970 (v.33#1) pg. 86
Sound-activated photoflash attachment.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Dec 1972 (v.2#6) pg. 74
Light-activated slave strobe trigger.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1973 (v.3#6) pg. 40
Three-way photo flash tripper can be activated by sound, light or switch control. Flash will then fire a preset time after receiving the signal.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1974 (v.6#1) pg. 52
Circuit for automatic slave flash control has an adjustable time delay to enable the slave to be flashed at some interval after receiving the signal from the main flash. Use for multiple exposure stop-motion flash photography.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1977 (v.12#5) pg. 75
Make a low-cost slave tripper. Use a light-sensitive silicon-controlled rectifier to trip a second flashgun without the need of a sync cord. Est. cost: $4.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1967 (v.127#1) pg. 173
For professional flash lighting, build this slave trigger and use it to incorporate one or more manual flash units into a multiple flash setup for picture taking. Complete instructions for building several versions of the slave trigger and tips on using multiple flash. Est. cost: $2.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1978 (v.83#6) pg. 111
Tips designed to prevent photograpic "goofs". Tips include: (1) Marking developing tanks with film contents. (2) Traction-relief devices to keep PC synch cord from pulling out, etc.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1980 (v.86#4) pg. 82
Flash synchronization cords. Tips on selection and use of sync cords and flash-slave triggers.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1988 (v.95#11) pg. 109
Tip: Paper clip makes a simple, effective flash-cord anchor.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1989 (v.96#11) pg. 40
Tip on attaching PC ends to standard guitar jacks so that inexpensive electric-guitar cords can be used as flash extension cords.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1991 (v.98#4) pg. 18
How to master off-camera flash units using slaves (wireless remote flash triggers). What is available and tips on their use.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1994 (v.58#3) pg. 54
PC sync cords. Tips on their use and maintenance.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1997 (v.61#2) pg. 152
Build slave flash guns using the light activated switch.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jan 1964 (v.184#1) pg. 128
Circuit for a wireless tripper for photographic flash (a 'slave' tripper).
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jul 1981 (v.52#7) pg. 62
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Dec 1981 (v.52#12) pg. 78
Photoelectric slave flash trigger has only two components and fits inside a ballpoint pen case. Est. cost: $3.
RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Aug-Sep 1968 (v.25#1) pg. 55
Self-contained and self-powered electronic slave flash. Triggered by a solar cell/silicon-controlled rectifier circuit by light from the master flash.
SCIENCE & ELECTRONICS [1] Oct-Nov 1970 (v.28#5) pg. 35
Slave photoflash uses a light sensitive silicon-controlled rectifier. Est. cost: $7.
SCIENCE & MECHANICS May 1968 (v.39#5) pg. 68
How to build a full-synchro flash for 35mm SLR cameras. How to fit a leaf shutter lens to a 35mm camera and equip it with an adapter cable to synchronize the leaf shutter with the camera's flash.
SHUTTERBUG #311 Aug 1996 (v.25#10) pg. 103