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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Installing rooftop (gutter) electric de-icing kits to prevent ice dams.
CANADIAN HOME WORKSHOP Sep 2001 (v.24#10) pg. 60

Tip on applying shield membrane to prevent leaking around a skylight caused by ice dams.
CANADIAN WORKSHOP Jun 1996 (v.19#9) pg. 19

Tips for fighting ice.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #84 Feb 1965 (v.15#1) pg. 63

How to install your own electric heating cables to melt ice dams that clog gutters.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #160 Jan 1975 (v.25#1) pg. 40

What to do to prevent or alleviate ice dams on the edge of a roof.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #196 Feb 1979 (v.29#2) pg. 64

How to eliminate ice dams on your roof during the winter by installing adequate venting and insulation.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #243 Nov 1983 (v.33#9) pg. 48

How to remedy roof ice buildup (ice dams).
FAMILY HANDYMAN #284 Dec 1987 (v.37#10) pg. 26

Defeating ice dams.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #351 Sep 1994 (v.44#8) pg. 60

Tips on installing roof membrane to prevent ice-dammed water from leaking into the house.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #374 Dec 1996-Jan 1997 (v.47#1) pg. 8

Defeating ice dams. A comprehensive look at causes and cures.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #391 Sep 1998 (v.48#8) pg. 66

Framing a cold roof, a design to prevent ice damming and roof leaks in snow country. Also includes two methods for constructing a Boston ridge vent.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #63 Oct-Nov 1990 pg. 42
Added Info FINE HOMEBUILDING #64 Dec 1990-Jan 1991 pg. 4

Advice on preventing ice dams discusses the correct venting procedure.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #71 Dec 1991-Jan 1992 pg. 14
Added Info FINE HOMEBUILDING #75 Jun-Jul 1992 pg. 16

Tip on sealing the gap between the fascia and the roof sheathing to prevent damage from ice dams.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #96 Jun-Jul 1995 pg. 28

Preventing ice dams. Proper insulation and roof ventilation can stop ice dams from forming, prevent damage and lower energy bills. Includes three ways to vent a cathedral ceiling.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #98 Oct-Nov 1995 pg. 60

Retrofit roof keeps ice dams out of valleys.
FINE HOMEBUILDING #107 Feb-Mar 1997 pg. 16
Added Info FINE HOMEBUILDING #108 Apr-May 1997 pg. 8
Added Info FINE HOMEBUILDING #110 Jun-Jul 1997 pg. 12

Tip on installing heat tapes to prevent ice dams from forming on your eaves.
HOMEOWNER Jan-Feb 1989 (v.14#1) pg. 10

Prevent ice buildup by installing de-icing cables along the edge of a roof.
HOMEOWNERS HOW TO Nov-Dec 1979 (v.4#6) pg. 62

Ice dams. How to prevent and cure damaging roof-ice buildup.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #121 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 106

How to investigate the source of roof leaks. Part 1. Ice dams and how to combat them with a metal ice edge. Improper insulation in an attic and how to solve the problem.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Sep 1979 (v.7#9) pg. 99

Ice dams, their cause and solutions. Includes information on "killing" stains in walls and ceilings, painting discolored wood and painting new plaster.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Oct 1980 (v.8#10) pg. 147

Tip: Suggestions to avoiding ice-dams on roofs.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1986 (v.14#1) pg. 31

Frost in the rafters, ice on the eaves. How to deal with winter attic moisture.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Nov-Dec 1993 (v.21#6) pg. 32

Heat cables give ice-free gutters.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1963 (v.119#1) pg. 176

How to prevent roof ice dams by installing electric heating cables.
POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1973 (v.139#1) pg. 74

Tip: Keep snow and ice from damaging roof gutters and causing leaks by covering the gutters with aluminum flashing during the winter.
POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1984 (v.161#11) pg. 203

Tips on proper insulation techniques when using an attic furnace in order to prevent ice dams.
POPULAR MECHANICS Feb 1988 (v.165#2) pg. 127

Modify your gutters to drain water through the bottom during the winter in order to prevent ice dams.
POPULAR MECHANICS Dec 1990 (v.167#12) pg. 53

Tips on using heat cables to prevent freezeups of pipes, gutters and driveways.
POPULAR SCIENCE Oct 1976 (v.209#4) pg. 141

Ice dams. What causes them and how to stop them from forming.
POPULAR SCIENCE Nov 1978 (v.213#5) pg. 119

Tip on using panty hose filled with a calcium chloride ice melter to break up an ice dam.
TODAY'S HOMEOWNER #821 Dec 1997-Jan 1998 (v.93) pg. 24