Color combos. How to combine and duplicate color transparencies to create controlled multiple-exposure effect pictures. Tips from a professional advertising photographer. CAMERA 35 Nov 1977 (v.21#10) pg. 26
"Composed" photography orchestrates picture impact. Tips on making composite color slides. DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1984 (v.5#1) pg. 35
Slide sandwiches. A step-by-step recipe for making multiple-image color prints from your slides. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul-Aug 1979 (v.1#3) pg. 50
Transform black & white negatives into color transparencies using Kodalith film and inexpensive color gels. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1979 (v.1#7) pg. 70
Saving slides with color key. Add color to otherwise dull slides by means of 3M Color-Key material. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul-Aug 1980 (v.2#4) pg. 70
Slide sandwiching. Placing two overexposed transparencies in the same mount to create "double exposures". DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1980 (v.2#6) pg. 70
Tip: How to sandwich a slide of clouds with an overexposed slide to save the bad slide while creating a special effect. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Mar-Apr 1981 (v.3#2) pg. 15
Re-imagined images. Part 2. Composite slides. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1983 (v.5#8) pg. 30
Tip: A special effects technique involves contact-printing 35mm mounted color slides onto a sheet of high-contrast film and then printing back to color paper. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1984 (v.6#8) pg. 16
Leftover sandwich. Creating fine slide images from film roll ends, misfires and other blunders. Tips on combining two or more slides to form a composite image. DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1988 (v.10#3) pg. 55
How to make or select slides or negatives suitable for sandwiching when making prints. DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Dec 1981 (v.2#4) pg. 11
Dramatic images through derivative photography (forming a single picture from separate photographic images). Homemade lightbox, illuminated by electronic flash and featuring pin registration, is described. DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1983 (v.4#1) pg. 12
Layout and masking for multiple-image slides. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1970 (v.19#9) pg. 69
Transillumination for multiple-image slides. A precise and versatile method of producing multiple-image slides. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1976 (v.25#10) pg. 20
Emulsion stripping. One technique for combining two different photographs into a composite. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1980 (v.29#1) pg. 22
Creating the dynamic visual. How to enhance slides with titles, line graphics, and full color art. Use a simple 35mm slide copy system to make slide and graphic composites. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1980 (v.29#5) pg. 29
Create a wide variety of slide graphics, including pin-registered multiple exposures. All you need is a 35mm camera with macro capabilities and this $30 'black box' which you build. Use it to do slide posterizations, neon effects, etc. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1980 (v.29#11) pg. 36
Make colored slides of black and white text or line drawings by sandwiching black and white positives on film with colored filters in a 35mm slide mount. Make "quickie" slides. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Jul 1974 (v.17#7) pg. 50
The technique of semi-posterization. Uses diazo film which is available in various colors and is developed using ammonia vapor. Basically, a colored diazo mask is sandwiched with the original transparency to produce the desired effect. PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1978 (v.7#1) pg. 44
Photo-syntheses. How to assemble two or more color transparencies into a single image and re-photograph the result. Includes tips on photographing the originals to be used in the sandwich. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1981 (v.9#9) pg. 64
How to create sunset, sunrise, moonset, or moonrise images by sandwiching slide images taken at various times of day and re-photographing the result. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1981 (v.10#2) pg. 21
How to use Kodalith overlays to give your color slides more impact. PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1982 (v.11#7) pg. 56
Gotham graphics. Use wide-angle or telephoto lenses and slide sandwiching techniques to produce dynamic photos of big city buildings. PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1984 (v.12#12) pg. 78
Superpositions. Superposing or sandwiching two or more negatives or transparencies to form a photo-montage. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jul 1984 (v.13#3) pg. 32
Beauty is many layers deep. Create "works of art" by sandwiching two (or more) transparencies at various angles. PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1984 (v.13#6) pg. 36
Salvage slides taken on overcast days by sandwiching them with "sunsets" photographed in your studio. PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1984 (v.13#6) pg. 42
Chromatic silhouettes. Combine a slide of a silhouette with a color design painted on clear acetate or glass. PHOTOGRAPHIC Oct 1984 (v.13#6) pg. 48
Positive film and negative processing. Create special effect color photos by sandwiching and/or duplicating color slides onto negative and infrared color film and rephotographing. The processing can be done by any color lab. PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1984 (v.13#8) pg. 30
Slide dupe composites. Some tips on making precise slide composites at home. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1985 (v.14#5) pg. 72
A photographer's palette. Creating color with filters. Place small objects on a light box. Then take close-up, multiple exposures through color filters onto slide film. PHOTOGRAPHIC Nov 1985 (v.14#7) pg. 34
Use inexpensive colored theatrical gels in place of costly photo-grade colored filter material. Also suitable for adding color to existing slides. PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1986 (v.15#5) pg. 36
Macromasking. Special effects photographs are created using a technique known as "masking" or "photocomposition". Multiple transparencies are combined into one final image. Kodalith film masks eliminate double exposures in overlapping areas. The process is described and illustrated step-by-step. PHOTOGRAPHIC Aug 1988 (v.17#4) pg. 24
Nitty gritty posterization. A cheap and easy process for producing color posterized slides without a color darkroom or special materials. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1989 (v.17#9) pg. 42
Photocomposed transparencies. A crash course in a very original special-effects technique. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1990 (v.18#9) pg. 66
Double-takes. Making composite images by sandwiching two or more transparencies together with the same slide mount. PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1994 (v.22#11) pg. 45
The art and techniques of image blending. Combine old 35mm slides to create vibrant new images with this simple photographic process. Involves making masks from litho film. PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1994 (v.22#12) pg. 24
Correction PHOTOGRAPHIC Jul 1994 (v.23#3) pg. 8
Interface. Using color video to make multi-image slides. How to superimpose color onto black & white line drawings and then photograph the result. If you already have the color video equipment, this technique can be used. PHOTOMETHODS Nov 1978 (v.21#11) pg. 44
How to make a composite on Ektachrome duplicating film from three different transparencies. PHOTOMETHODS Mar 1983 (v.26#3) pg. 46
Tip on salvaging bad slides by sandwiching them together to produce a unique image. POPULAR MECHANICS Mar 1988 (v.165#3) pg. 50
Using texture screens in connection with color slides. Tips for exposing the original and mounting the screen and slide in a binder. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1970 (v.66#1) pg. 86
Use mono-colored sheets to create sandwiched transparencies. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Aug 1970 (v.67#2) pg. 18
How to double or quadruple your vision. Make multiple-image slides by "flopping" the original slide and rephotographing 2 or 4 times. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1980 (v.86#2) pg. 98
Double vision. Tips on using slide sandwiching techniques to create a third image. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1983 (v.90#2) pg. 42
Image building slide-by-slide. Create a new reality for your old slides by combining several of them on a single frame of film. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1988 (v.95#3) pg. 54
Correction POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Jun 1988 (v.95#6) pg. 96
(1) How to photograph silhouettes. (2) How to sandwich one or more silhouette slides with a full-tone slide image to create a whole new photograph. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Oct 1991 (v.98#10) pg. 43
Visons of paradise. How to create a slide montage (sandwich). POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1991 (v.98#11) pg. 82