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Making internegatives. Converting color slides to black-and-white prints by first making a negative by projecting onto a sheet of film in a 4x5 film holder.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Jan 1993 (v.15#1) pg. 52
Added Info CAMERA & DARKROOM Mar 1993 (v.15#3) pg. 6

Tip on using T-Max 100 to make b&w negatives from color slides.
CAMERA & DARKROOM Jun 1993 (v.15#6) pg. 6
Added Info CAMERA & DARKROOM Aug 1993 (v.15#8) pg. 4

How to make black-and-white negatives from color slides. The technique involves the use of Kodak Technical Pan film and the waterbath method for developing negatives.

Making black-and-white prints from color slides without an internegative.
Added Info DARKROOM & CREATIVE CAMERA TECHNIQUES Jul-Aug 1993 (v.14#4) pg. 4

Tips on making a black-and-white print directly from color-transparency film without using an internegative.

Turning color slides into black & white prints. Uses the process of making a b&w internegative on Kodak Super-XX Pan sheet film.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Mar-Apr 1979 (v.1#1) pg. 74

Make high-contrast b&w prints from color slides by first making a negative on Kodak Autoscreen Ortho Film 2563. The resulting print will be composed of black and white dots like a "halftone".
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY May-Jun 1981 (v.3#3) pg. 76

How to make a black-and-white print from a color negative or color slide.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Mar-Apr 1982 (v.4#3) pg. 56

Tip: How to use the Vivitar Instant Slide Printer and Polaroid Type 665 film to make black and white internegatives from color slides.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Mar-Apr 1984 (v.6#2) pg. 8

Earthrise over Houston. Printing simple but effective night montages from slides.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1987 (v.9#7) pg. 32

Negative impressions. How to make a print from a color slide using black-and-white paper and chemistry.
DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1989 (v.11#4) pg. 21

How to make or select slides or negatives suitable for sandwiching when making prints.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Dec 1981 (v.2#4) pg. 11

How to make b&w prints from color negatives and color transparencies.
DARKROOM TECHNIQUES Jan-Feb 1983 (v.4#1) pg. 23

Converting color transparencies to black-and-white or color negatives. Part 1. Methods, films, developers and formats discussed.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1976 (v.25#5) pg. 26

Converting color transparencies to black-and-white or color negatives. Part 2. Image masking.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1977 (v.26#1) pg. 25

Tips on making black-and-white negatives from color slides using Ilford XP1 film and an Omega B color head.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1983 (v.32#4) pg. 41

How to improve the quality of black-and-white prints that are derived from color slides.
INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1985 (v.34#4) pg. 12

Equipment and techniques for getting an enlarged print of a single frame from movie film.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jan 1976 (v.40#1) pg. 108

Make black-and-white prints from color slides by first making a 4x5 negative on Plus-X film. Use enlarger and 4x5 film holder.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1976 (v.40#11) pg. 159

How to make black & white slides or b&w negatives from color transparencies. The technique involves using a 35mm SLR and an enlarger both equipped with 135mm lenses.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1981 (v.45#7) pg. 102

How to make a dupe negative on Kodak Tech Pan film from a colored slide. Use the dupe negative to make a highly detailed black-and-white print.
MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1984 (v.48#7) pg. 58

Producing quality black and white negatives from color transparencies.
PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY May 1972 (v.15#5) pg. 18

Slide salvation. How to convert marginal color slides into striking black-and-white prints.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Mar 1978 (v.6#11) pg. 62

How to make paper negatives from slides using Kodak Panalure printing paper. Make black-and-white negatives and prints from color slides using this process.
PHOTOGRAPHIC May 1978 (v.7#1) pg. 35

Kodalith photo-collages. How to make high-contrast images out of old slides.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1981 (v.10#5) pg. 56

Making black-and-white prints from color slides. Two techniques described.
PHOTOGRAPHIC Sep 1998 (v.27#5) pg. 12

Instant black and white prints from slides. Make black and white enlargements from color slides by using Polaroid film.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY May 1967 (v.60#5) pg. 136

The Hattersley Class. Creative darkroom techniques. How to make black and white prints from your color slides.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1974 (v.75#6) pg. 124

Tips on making black & white negatives from a good, sharp color slide.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1978 (v.82#4) pg. 50

RC paper internegatives. Part 1. Making black-and-white prints from color or b&w slides by first making an internegative on RC paper.
POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Dec 1987 (v.94#12) pg. 44

Easy techniques for making paper negatives. Making a workable paper neg from a low contrast color slide is the fastest way to produce b&w prints of your slides.
SHUTTERBUG #313 Oct 1996 (v.25#12) pg. 66

Good advice on making a print from a film.
SUPER-8 FILMAKER Mar-Apr 1980 (v.8#2) pg. 10