Making color slides with an Intercolor microcomputer. Photograph colored video displays (charts, graphs, etc.) drawn by a computer in order to produce color slides. Some tips. BYTE Jan 1980 (v.5#1) pg. 20
Graphic color slides. Part 1. A series of useful subroutines for generating color images on a Compucolor II computer. BYTE Nov 1980 (v.5#11) pg. 126
Graphic color slides. Part 2. Using subroutines to generate equation plots, histograms, regression and monthly analysis graphs. BYTE Dec 1980 (v.5#12) pg. 96
Tip on converting Kodalith black-and-white title slides to blue-and-white by processing the film in various chemicals. CAMERA & DARKROOM Jun 1992 (v.14#6) pg. 8
Enlarge small drawings for use in overhead projectors by photographing on 35mm film and then enlarging onto graphic arts film. INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION May-Jun 1980 (v.69#5) pg. 22
How the Western Electric company turns black and white line copy into slides with colored backgrounds. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1970 (v.19#4) pg. 63
Think negative. Part 1. Using negative imagery with and without color for text, charts, diagrams, etc. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1973 (v.22#9) pg. 33
Creating color-on-color slide presentations. Start with black & white original art and end up with multicolor slides. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1977 (v.26#11) pg. 31
Creating the dynamic visual. How to enhance slides with titles, line graphics, and full color art. Use a simple 35mm slide copy system to make slide and graphic composites. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY May 1980 (v.29#5) pg. 29
Create a wide variety of slide graphics, including pin-registered multiple exposures. All you need is a 35mm camera with macro capabilities and this $30 'black box' which you build. Use it to do slide posterizations, neon effects, etc. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1980 (v.29#11) pg. 36
How to create title slides which have the appearance of raised metallic type in silver, copper, bronze, or gold. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Sep 1983 (v.32#9) pg. 38
Using the matte/countermatte technique to create great-looking optical slides. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1985 (v.34#11) pg. 38
Create a title slide using the "forced perspective technique". The text nearest the bottom is largest and each line above that is small and receeds into the background (like the opening titles in the "Star Wars" movie). INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Feb 1987 (v.36#2) pg. 14
Creating text and line copy slides. What are the options? (1) Contiunuous tone films. (2) Polaroid films. (3) Monochrome films. INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1992 (v.41#4) pg. 32
Darkroom computerist. (1) Calculates a table of exposure times for various combinations of f-stop and enlarger heights when making enlargements with various papers. (2) Make title slides by photographing text from video terminal. KILOBAUD MICROCOMPUTING #46 Oct 1980 pg. 75
Marginal quality slides can serve to project handwritten messages on screen, such as "more to come", "the end", etc. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Mar 1976 (v.40#3) pg. 166
Make title slides by putting press-type letters directly onto slide. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Jul 1976 (v.40#7) pg. 106
Make your own slide show titles with press-on type. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Apr 1986 (v.50#4) pg. 48
Tip: How to make colorful, professional-looking title slides. MODERN PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1986 (v.50#11) pg. 57
An efficient method for producing inexpensive black and white slides from original material by using Kodalith Ortho film or High Contrast copy film. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Aug 1971 (v.14#8) pg. 34
Making color title slides starting with black type on white background. Use process of double exposure on color film using masks and color filters. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Nov 1972 (v.15#11) pg. 30
Making color tile slides of black and white artwork. (1) Photograph twice in high contrast black and white. (2) Project and superimpose the two black and white slides through colored filters. (3) Rephotograph the resulting colored image. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Mar 1973 (v.16#3) pg. 37
Using the dry-to-dry diazo process to produce slides with unique colors. Excellent for slides consisting of black lettering or line drawings. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Jan 1974 (v.17#1) pg. 21
Make colored slides of black and white text or line drawings by sandwiching black and white positives on film with colored filters in a 35mm slide mount. Make "quickie" slides. PHOTO METHODS FOR INDUSTRY Jul 1974 (v.17#7) pg. 50
Create unique title slides by photographing graphic images generated by your home computer. PHOTOGRAPHIC Apr 1983 (v.11#12) pg. 16
How to make title slides using dry-transfer letters and Kodalith film or Kodak Technical Pan film 2414. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jan 1984 (v.12#9) pg. 21
The many faces of computer photography. Two ways to photograph computer monitors (b&w or color). An ideal way to make title slides. PHOTOGRAPHIC Jun 1984 (v.13#2) pg. 62
Tips on making "state-of-the-art" title slides by photographing graphic images generated on a computer monitor. PHOTOGRAPHIC Dec 1984 (v.13#8) pg. 36
Making simple, effective title and graphic slides. Several techniques examined. PHOTOMETHODS Oct 1979 (v.22#10) pg. 25
Two methods of making title slides with colored backgrounds. PHOTOMETHODS Jan 1980 (v.23#1) pg. 10
Using diffraction grating material to make colorful "Spectraslides". Original text or artwork is photographed on litho film, placed in a light box, and re-photographed with diffraction material in front of the lens. PHOTOMETHODS Apr 1980 (v.23#4) pg. 30
Sixteen tips for making your visuals (slides or transparencies) more legible. PHOTOMETHODS Apr 1980 (v.23#4) pg. 46
How to make title slides which give the illusion of motion by moving the artwork during exposure. PHOTOMETHODS Sep 1980 (v.23#9) pg. 42
Tips on using Kodak Technical Pan Film 2415 and Vericolor Slide Film to make "word" slides (title and graphic slides). PHOTOMETHODS Aug 1981 (v.24#8) pg. 18
Tips on choosing a typeface for visual presentations. PHOTOMETHODS Apr 1982 (v.25#4) pg. 14
Tip: Use Kodak 35mm Photomicrography Film to produce title slides with bright background colors. PHOTOMETHODS Aug 1989 (v.32#8) pg. 12
Make slide show titles by projecting a slide onto a translucent screen upon which words are formed, and then refilming both together. POPULAR MECHANICS Jan 1969 (v.131#1) pg. 133
How to use Kodak's new Vericolor Slide Film SO-279 to make your own color title slides. POPULAR MECHANICS Jul 1981 (v.156#1) pg. 36
Tip on using a computer and photocopier to make title slides. POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY Nov 1992 (v.99#11) pg. 76
Astronomical computing. Making slides from computer displays. Tips on photographing both paper printouts and video screens to make both color and black-and-white slides. SKY & TELESCOPE Jan 1986 (v.71#1) pg. 86