xx TOY
Soapbox scooter and scooter games. BOYS' LIFE Jun 1963 (v.53#6) pg. 63
"Skate-Scooter" made from wood and one roller skate. BOYS' LIFE Nov 1965 (v.55#11) pg. 78
Sidewalk push scooter of plywood. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #416 Jan 1963 (v.59) pg. 98
Motorize a foot-powered two-wheel scooter. MECHANIX ILLUSTRATED #454 Mar 1966 (v.62) pg. 100
Make a roller-skate scooter for small children. Similar to a skateboard, it has a handle to hold onto and a limited turning radius to help avoid falls. POPULAR MECHANICS Sep 1978 (v.150#3) pg. 181
Good-times scooter features bent wood laminations for the handlebars and yoke. WEEKEND WOODWORKING (PROJECTS) #51 May 1996 (v.9#3) pg. 16, Insert
The rollerball scooter. A child's three-wheel scooter uses wooden balls (turned from beech) as the wheels. WOODWORKER #1088 Jul 1984 (v.88) pg. 434
Added Info WOODWORKER #1090 Sep 1984 (v.88) pg. 623
Three-wheel foot-powered scooter is built mostly of wood and uses a butt hinge for the steering linkage. WOODWORKER Dec 1991 (v.95#12) pg. 1238
Skate scooter. A fancy version of the children's scooter formerly made from one roller skate, a flat board, and an orange crate. This model is made from a skate board and features a fancy front grill. WORKBENCH Jan-Feb 1967 (v.23#1) pg. 36