Tip on painting composition cement roof tiles and shingles.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL May-Jun 1994 (v.22#4) pg. 26
Tip on repairing chips in Spanish roofing tiles.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan-Feb 1995 (v.23#1) pg. 20
Advice on repairing and replacing a clay tile roof. A review of the mechanics, styles and color of roof tiles.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Mar-Apr 1998 (v.26#2) pg. 39
Restoring slate and tile roofs. Some tips.
POPULAR MECHANICS Aug 1989 (v.166#8) pg. 34
Added Info POPULAR MECHANICS Nov 1989 (v.166#11) pg. 9
Roofing tiles, a new alternative to shingles. A look at corrugated aluminum tiles and lightweight concrete tiles. Includes installation tips.
POPULAR SCIENCE Apr 1979 (v.214#4) pg. 118
How to maintain and repair an historic old roof. Covers slate and wood shingles and clay tiles. Some tips.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Sep 1986 (v.1#1) pg. 62
Traditional techniques for slating and tiling roofs. Advice on installation and repair.
WOODWORKER Jun 1993 (v.97#6) pg. 92