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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
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A ladder circuit produces a series of reference voltages separated by 3dB increments. Useful as part of a digital VU or power level meter using LED's for display.
AUDIO AMATEUR 4/1979 [Oct 1979] (v.10#4) pg. 40

An active voltage reference. Variable zener makes useful dc voltage calibrator. Used in regulated voltage supplies.
COMPUTERS & ELECTRONICS Apr 1983 (v.21#4) pg. 50

Simple calibration standards circuits. (1) Precision 2.500 volt standard. (2) 1-MHz frequency standard.
CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Nov 1993 (v.49#11) pg. 90

Mini metrology lab to study the science of electrical measurements (electrical metrology). Make high-accuracy DC measurements and calibrate other test equipment. Part 1. Build a stable voltage standard.
ELECTRONICS NOW Mar 1996 (v.67#3) pg. 35

Build this precision voltage/current reference. Output ranges between 1 millivolt and 10 volts and between 1 microamp and 10 milliamps. Stability is better than +/- 100 ppm (parts-per-million) per-degree Celsius.
ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1998 (v.69#2) pg. 51

Stable, low-cost, reference power supplies. Design of a standard voltage supply for small laboratories or shops, using economy grade transistors as temperature-compensating diodes. May be used as a DC or AC calibrator to monitor small voltage changes.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Dec 1967 (v.78#6) pg. 39

Low-cost precision calibrator for oscilloscope and VTVM.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Mar 1969 (v.81#3) pg. 80

Low-cost DC voltage calibrator circuits.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Sep 1969 (v.82#3) pg. 42

Stable reference-voltage supply produces -8.45 volts.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jul 1970 (v.84#1) pg. 70

Method used by an Air Force laboratory to calibrate digital voltmeters.
ELECTRONICS WORLD Jun 1971 (v.85#6) pg. 36

Super-accurate voltage source for calibrating your VOM or VTVM. Uses only two components (a mercury cell and a resistor).
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS May-Jun 1976 (v.16#3) pg. 78

Build a precision voltage source for calibrating voltmeters and oscilloscopes. This battery powered source will deliver a nominal 2.45-volts DC.
ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1980 (v.20#1) pg. 71

Tips on calibrating ammeters, ohmmeters, wattmeters, etc.
INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION Nov 1979 (v.68#8) pg. 48

Precision voltage sources you can build. How to design and build simple, stable precision references sources.
MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1985 (v.1#7) pg. 58

Circuit for a DC voltage standard and calibrator. Produces a steady 1 volt output with a 2% variation when the 9 volt power supply drops to 5 volts under load.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1968 (v.29#3) pg. 66

An accurate audio voltage calibration standard to adjust VTVM or oscilloscope. Est. cost: $35.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jan 1969 (v.30#1) pg. 71

Simple reference circuit to test the line and load regulation of power supplies delivering 5 or more volts.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Sep 1971 (v.35#3) pg. 67

A look at the voltage comparator and its use in logic control and instrumentation equipment. Application circuits for a reference supply, a 100-kHz multivibrator and oscillator, and a voltage controlled oscillator.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jun 1975 (v.7#6) pg. 63

Calibrator circuit for a VOM allows you to check voltage, current, and resistance scales.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Jul 1975 (v.8#1) pg. 84

Precision references for current and voltage are used to check the accuracy of test instruments.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Nov 1979 (v.16#5) pg. 87

Voltage calibrator circuit is used to provide outputs of 1- to 5-volts peak-to-peak.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1994 (v.11#5) pg. 80

Precision voltage source features a temperature-compensated output from 1.00 mV to 11,000 mV. Used to calibrate test equipment or sensors. Operates from three 9-volt batteries.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 31

Two-Zener, two-volt reference voltage circuit is very stable.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1995 (v.12#9) pg. 74

Design your own cheap, temperature-stable voltage references.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1996 (v.13#6) pg. 63
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Sep 1996 (v.13#9) pg. 69

Simple op-amp application circuits. (1) Fixed voltage reference. (2) Light-operated sensor. (3) Alarm sensor. (4) Voltage-level sensor. (5) Peak-voltage detector and hold. (6) DC motor driver and reverser. (7) Simple timer circuit to delay relay operation for up to 30 seconds.
POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1997 (v.14#11) pg. 62

An in-depth look at a temperature transducer and precision voltage reference all in one IC, the REF-02.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1978 (v.49#8) pg. 72

Time and voltage calibrator. Part 1. Build this time and voltage reference for use in calibrating precision digital test equipment. Calibrator delivers from 0 to 10 volts in 1-mV steps and from 0 to 999.9 microseconds in 0.1 microsecond steps. Est. cost: $150.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1979 (v.50#5) pg. 35

Time and voltage calibrator. Part 2.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1979 (v.50#6) pg. 59

How to build your own low-cost, high-precision voltage references using the information presented here.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1982 (v.53#2) pg. 53

Build this pocket calibrator for volts and ohms. Use it to calibrate your test equipment. Est. cost: $35.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1982 (v.53#6) pg. 49
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1982 (v.53#9) pg. 23
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1982 (v.53#11) pg. 14

All about calibration. The quest for perfect measurements. New accuracy standards for ohms, volts, amperes, and time.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1988 (v.59#6) pg. 57
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.59#8) pg. 15
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1988 (v.59#9) pg. 16

Op-amps show their versatility in instrumentation circuits. Includes circuits for rectifier, peak detector, AC/DC converter, voltmeter, ammeter, ohmmeter, voltage reference, and power supply.
RADIO-ELECTRONICS Sep 1989 (v.60#9) pg. 59

Circuit for a precision current source delivers 50mA AC constant current for testing loudspeakers.
SPEAKER BUILDER 3/1992 [May 1992] (v.13#3) pg. 64