Carve your catch. Make a wooden model of a prized fishing catch. BOYS' LIFE Dec 1989 (v.79#12) pg. 76
Bullfrog pattern and carving tips. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1990 (v.37#5) pg. 13
Techniques for burning fish-scale and reptile-scale detail. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1992 (v.39#3) pg. 89
Burning techniques for making realistic scales on fish and reptiles. CHIP CHATS Sep-Oct 1992 (v.39#5) pg. 22
Making the scene. Creative ways to display carved or mounted fish. Part 1. The lily pad setting. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1995 (v.42#6) pg. 55
Making the scene. Creative ways to display carved or mounted wildlife. Part 3. Streambed setting with floating fly. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1996 (v.43#2) pg. 98
Woodburning scales onto carved wooden fish. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 48
Unusual carved fish patterns. Fish caricatures include sawfish, goatfish, dogfish, clownfish, ... etc. CHIP CHATS Jul-Aug 1996 (v.43#4) pg. 88
Mermaid relief carving pattern and instructions. Mermaid, fondling her long hair, leans against a shell. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1997 (v.44#1) pg. 39
Largemouth bass pattern to carve. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1997 (v.44#1) pg. 96
How to modify a fish pattern for carving. How to open the mouth and reposition the tail. Includes a carving pattern for a Yellow Perch. CHIP CHATS Mar-Apr 1997 (v.44#2) pg. 96
Pattern and instructions for carving and painting a Northern Pike. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1997 (v.44#6) pg. 102
Carving and painting a small, but realistic largemouth bass for use as a decorative pin for your favorite fishing hat. CHIP CHATS Jan-Feb 1998 (v.45#1) pg. 112
Pattern and painting instructions for a carved dolphin fish. CHIP CHATS May-Jun 1998 (v.45#3) pg. 58
Advice for painting a carved sailfish. CHIP CHATS Nov-Dec 1998 (v.45#6) pg. 76
Carve a fish from wood. Pattern and instructions for carving a bream. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jul-Aug 1979 (v.10#6) pg. 26
Stylized fish. Carved from 2" thick wood, it is approx. 7" long and is displayed on a brass rod set in a wooden base. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Nov 1977 (v.8#4) pg. 22
Stylized fish design plaque is made from any 3/4" wood with grain which is not too prominent. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Spring-Summer 1978 (v.9#2) pg. 6
Pattern for a wall plaque featuring the head, tail and skeleton of a fish. Uses a drill and jigsaw to form the outline, and simple carving to finish. NATIONAL CARVERS REVIEW Summer-Fall 1980 (v.11#2) pg. 32
Wooden wall plaque in the shape of a large salmon fish is constructed by shaping and laminating various shades of wood to a plywood backing. POPULAR WOODWORKING #72 May 1993 (v.12#6) pg. 59, Insert
Leviathan. Carving a 24" replica of the blue whale. POPULAR WOODWORKING #77 Mar 1994 (v.13#5) pg. 36, 43 (Insert)
Carve a bluegill fish. Pattern and carving tips included. WOOD MAGAZINE #34 Apr 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 74
How to carve and paint a greenback cutthroat trout. WOOD MAGAZINE #58 Jan 1993 (v.10#1) pg. 34
Carving and painting a realistic bluegill fish from basswood. WOOD MAGAZINE #79 Jun 1995 (v.12#4) pg. 74, Insert
Tip on making gridded photographs of real fish to assist when carving. Could also be used with other objects. WOOD MAGAZINE #83 Nov 1995 (v.12#8) pg. 28
Tabletop tropical fish. Carve a colorful reef-dweller fish and support it with a display stand that simulates sponges and star coral. WOOD MAGAZINE #114 Apr 1999 (v.16#3) pg. 50, 22, Insert
Carving a dolphin leaping vertically out of a wave. WOODCARVING #5 Sep-Oct 1993 pg. 10
Carving and painting a one-sided trophy of a rainbow trout for wall mounting. WOODCARVING #11 Sep-Oct 1994 pg. 44, Insert
Added Info WOODCARVING #12 Nov-Dec 1994 pg. 3
How to carve a blue whale in profile (24"x5"x2") to hang on a wall. WOODCARVING #27 Jun 1996 pg. 54
How to incorporate personal expression when carving a frog. Includes instructions for making a clay maquette, transferring the design to wood and the stages of carving. WOODCARVING #28 Jul-Aug 1996 pg. 20
How to carve a side view of a humpback whale. WOODCARVING #37 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 49
Folk artist shares details of carving fish in the traditional American style. WOODCARVING #39 Jan-Feb 1998 pg. 54
Projects to help beginners build basic carving skills. Part 3. How to move from relief carving to 3-D carving with a simple fish. WOODCARVING #49 Jul-Aug 1999 pg. 17
Carving on turning. Part 11. Pierced relief carving, where some, or all, the background is removed. Shown is a circular mirror with a carved dolphin riding the crest of a wave in the center of the mirror. WOODTURNING #25 Sep 1994 pg. 50
Figure and decorative carving. Part 2. Pattern and instructons for carving a dolphin standing on its tail. WOODWORKER #1061 Apr 1982 (v.86) pg. 264
Step-by-step account of how three dolphins are carved separately and then combined into one piece of sculpture. WOODWORKER #1113 Aug 1986 (v.90#8) pg. 629
Getting started in simple woodcarving using a coping saw, two pocket knives, three gouges, mallet, scalpel, and small files. Includes patterns for a rabbit, dog, cat, sea horse, teddy bear, and a bird. Part 1. WOODWORKER Aug 1994 (v.98#8) pg. 31