Trim a little girl's dress with an iron-on transfer, lace doily collar, and lace trim around sleeves and skirt. CRAFTS Apr 1994 (v.17#4) pg. 32
Bunnies 'n carrots playdress. Little girl's T-shirt dress is sponge painted with bunny and carrot motifs. White pom poms are added as bunny tails. CRAFTS Apr 1997 (v.20#4) pg. 16, 43
Ribbon embroidery appliques and adhesive-backed lace embellish a little girl's Easter dress, shoes, anklets, headband and barrette. CRAFTS Apr 1997 (v.20#4) pg. 38
How to embroider a dress and trim it with ribbons in ethnic fashion. Patterns for bodice embroidery furnished. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Jun 1977 (v.8#5) pg. 66
How to trim a ready made white dress with lace, rickrack, ribbons and decorative stitching. DECORATING & CRAFT IDEAS Dec 1977 (v.8#10) pg. 56
How to update an old dress by adding trim, removing sleeves, removing bodice, making a "bubble" skirt, etc. FAMILY CIRCLE Jan 13 1981 (v.94#1) pg. 62
Pattern for Madeira embroidery designed for a sundress made from a Simplicity pattern. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING Jun 1978 (v.186#6) pg. 110, 200
Sundress for toddlers, sewn using purchased fabric and a commercial pattern, features a variety of handwoven overshot yokes with flower, rainbow and people motifs. HANDWOVEN Mar-Apr 1999 (v.20#2) pg. 54, 73
Cutwork embroidery and tambour embroidery of thistles and roses for dresses sewn from Burda patterns. LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Spring-Summer 1979 (v.9#2) pg. 54, 98
How to smock a dress top. The dress is sewn from a Vogue pattern. LADIES HOME JOURNAL NEEDLE & CRAFT Spring-Summer 1980 (v.10#2) pg. 74, 113
Embroidery instructions for trimming a dress sewn from a commercial pattern with embroidery so it looks like a Mexican dress. NEEDLE & THREAD Jul-Aug 1981 (v.1#3) pg. 12
Child's yoked dress and matching panties are sewn from a commercial pattern. Instructions furnished for finishing both pieces with machine embroidery. NEEDLE & THREAD Jan-Feb 1982 (v.2#1) pg. 19, 47
Machine-lace yokes for woman's or child's dress. NEEDLE & THREAD May-Jun 1982 (v.2#3) pg. 12, 27, 42
Cross-stitch ducks-and-heart pattern for the bib of a child's sundress. NEEDLE & THREAD Jul-Aug 1982 (v.2#4) pg. 41, 36, 51
Decorative stitchery dress. Use the decorative stitches on your sewing machine to add colorful stripes to a simple dress made from pillow ticking. NEEDLE & THREAD Jul-Aug 1983 (v.3#4) pg. 13, 42
Embroider this Brazilian flower pattern onto the yoke of a little girl's dress. NEEDLE & THREAD Mar-Apr 1984 (v.4#2) pg. 12, 25, 44
Decorate the bib of a girl's dress with a bunny applique. NEEDLE & THREAD Mar-Apr 1984 (v.4#2) pg. 13, 25, 44
Clown motif to applique on any child's dress. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Nov-Dec 1981 (v.4#6) pg. 15
Embellishment for a woman's or child's dress is based on Seminole patchwork. NEEDLECRAFT FOR TODAY Jul-Aug 1982 (v.5#4) pg. 8, 39
Glad rags. Decorate a dress with strip-woven material. SHUTTLE, SPINDLE & DYEPOT #60 Fall 1984 (v.15#4) pg. 28
Tatted dress trim in the shape of a flower. WORKBASKET Aug 1987 (v.52#9) pg. 43