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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


How to make your fireplace more heat efficient. A look at curved tube heaters, blower-equipped tube heaters, glass door/heater combinations and grate-type blowers.
BETTER HOMES & GARDENS Oct 1978 (v.56#10) pg. 48

Construct a reflective fireplace grate to send more heat out into the room. Cast from concrete in a wooden form.
COUNTRYSIDE & SMALL STOCK JOURNAL Sep-Oct 2001 (v.85#5) pg. 42

How to build a fireplace hot water heating system. Fireplace grate built from galvanized pipe heats the water which is then piped to a closed radiator system.
FAMILY HANDYMAN #152 Mar 1974 (v.24#3) pg. 38

Description of a fireplace grate that is a network of pipes to heat water to warm other areas of a house.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #54 Nov-Dec 1978 pg. 91

Tip: How to build a high-heat fire using a "Texas fireframe" grate.
OLD-HOUSE JOURNAL Jan 1979 (v.7#1) pg. 2

Fireplace log grate made from 1/2" and 3/4" water pipe welded together.
POPULAR MECHANICS May 1967 (v.127#5) pg. 178

How to install a coil in your fireplace so that the fire can help provide hot water for use with a hot water heating system. If you use the fireplace often, it can significantly reduce your fuel bills. Est. cost: $30.
POPULAR MECHANICS Oct 1974 (v.142#4) pg. 154

Use a fireplace fire to heat water for an auxiliary hot water system. A pipe radiator installed in the fireplace has water pumped through it. As the water is heated, it goes to a storage tank. From the tank, it is pumped to another radiator in the cold air return of a regular forced air furnace. The returning air is heated and recirculated by the furnace. The builder was able to cut his propane fuel bill by 75%. Est. cost: $440.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jul 1975 (v.207#1) pg. 104

Fireplace grate and finned heat exchangers which fit into a wood burning fireplace, can act as the "boiler" for a hot water heating system adequate to heat a whole house in New York state. Est. cost: $50.
POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1977 (v.210#6) pg. 34

A look at how a Maryland man installed a cone-shaped free-standing fireplace and added a fireplace grate that feeds baseboard heaters for a total home hot-water heating system.
POPULAR SCIENCE Sep 1977 (v.211#3) pg. 10

Experiments that demonstrate how to increase a fireplace's radiation of heat by altering log stacking patterns and grate design.
SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Aug 1978 (v.239#2) pg. 143