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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.


Button necklace. Semi-precious stone buttons are joined with wrapped loops to create a handmade chain.
BEAD & BUTTON #32 Aug 1999 pg. 38

An Egyptian style necklace made from silver and incorporating a scarab.
GEMS & MINERALS #511 May 1980 pg. 16

How to mount polished gemstones on small pieces of decorative wood to form necklaces, earrings, etc.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #519 Jan 1981 pg. 58

Mosaic and inlay squash blossom necklace and bracelet are worked in silver and turquoise.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #522 Apr 1981 pg. 87

Have a heart. Making heart shapes from gemstone and incorporating them into silver-wire necklaces.
JEWELRY MAKING, GEMS & MINERALS #579 Feb 1986 pg. 16

Vibra-tumbling. Tips on using the vibrating tumbler to polish delicate rocks and minerals, such as obsidian needles. How to make necklaces and earrings from these needles.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Oct 1978 (v.32#7) pg. 1508

Crafting turquoise jewelry. Part 7. Project 5: Eight-petaled lotus necklace. Project 6: Flamingo pendant. Project 7: Wire earrings. Project 8: Fish pendant. Project 9: Inlaid ring.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Nov 1980 (v.34#8) pg. 1736

An easy, inexpensive neck ring (necklace) is made from copper wire (electrical wire) and a polished rock or stone.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1981 (v.34#10) pg. 2102

A "Bear Claw" necklace uses claws which are formed from obsidian. Jigs and technique for shaping the "claws" are illustrated.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1981 (v.35#5) pg. 1136

Cabochon medallion necklace. A beginner-to-intermediate beading project uses beading around the edge of leather patches as the backing for black crystal cabochons.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Dec 1995 (v.49#9) pg. 100

Fossil jewelry. Tips for beginners on how to incorporate fossils into jewelry. Includes instructions for making a fossil fish necklace and fossil coral bola.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Aug 1996 (v.50#5) pg. 75

Victorian garnet necklace. The 14" main strand has a metal dangle at front center and two shorter strands that bracket it. A beginner-to-intermediate wire and bead project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jan 1997 (v.50#10) pg. 86

Faceted tourmaline and wire necklace. An intermediate project.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Jun 1997 (v.51#3) pg. 67

Reticulated silver and turquoise necklace. An intermediate project in three steps. (1) Procedures involved in reticulation. (2) Forming the pendant. (3) Attaching the pearl strands.
LAPIDARY JOURNAL Feb 1999 (v.52#11) pg. 63