Correction FINE GARDENING #38 Jul-Aug 1994 pg. 4
Suggestions for combatting spider mites in a container garden.
FINE GARDENING #49 May-Jun 1996 pg. 22
Tips on the use of dormant oils to control a variety of insects and mites.
FLOWER & GARDEN Feb-Mar 1981 (v.25#2) pg. 98
How to identify spider mite damage and treat infected plants.
FLOWER & GARDEN Aug-Sep 1986 (v.30#5) pg. 36
How to identify and control spider mites on plants.
GARDEN GATE #22 Aug 1998 pg. 6
Great bugs. A look at some of the major garden pests (grasshoppers, whiteflies, slugs, aphids and spider mites.)
HERB COMPANION Jun-Jul 1993 (v.5#5) pg. 56
Six houseplant insect menaces. How to identify and control mealybugs, scale, whiteflies, aphids, thrips and spider mites.
HORTICULTURE Dec 1991 (v.69#10) pg. 46
How to battle aphids and spider mites in a window box garden.
KITCHEN GARDEN #5 Oct-Nov 1996 pg. 14
The backyard jungle. Part 1. Spider mites.
MOTHER EARTH NEWS #82 Jul-Aug 1983 pg. 171
A look at biological control of common greenhouse and houseplant pests such as whiteflies, spider mites and mealybugs. Describes how to compute the population density of a pest and develop a timetable for introducing a predator/parasite to combat the pest.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jan 1977 (v.24#1) pg. 85
Tip: How to reduce the number of mites, aphids, psyllids and thrips on ornamental plants by spraying them with high pressure soap sprays.
ORGANIC GARDENING Oct 1979 (v.26#10) pg. 52
How to control spider mites.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1982 (v.29#11) pg. 58
How to minimize mite problems on ornamental plants.
ORGANIC GARDENING Jun 1987 (v.34#6) pg. 77
How to use finches to fight greenhouse pests. Five cage birds that can be coaxed to earn their keep by eating spider mites, scale and aphids.
ORGANIC GARDENING Aug 1987 (v.34#8) pg. 42
Tip: A water-milk-flour spray for use against mites on inside plants.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov 1989 (v.36#10) pg. 71
Tips on controlling pear leaf blister mites.
ORGANIC GARDENING Dec 1989 (v.36#11) pg. 13
Spider mites (Tetrannychus) and other species of mites, their description and control.
ORGANIC GARDENING Feb 1992 (v.39#2) pg. 22
Chiggers, their life cycle, habits and control.
ORGANIC GARDENING May-Jun 1997 (v.44#5) pg. 20
Soaking in a tub of salty water recommended to eliminate chiggers.
ORGANIC GARDENING Sep-Oct 1997 (v.44#7) pg. 15
Recipe for a spray to rid houseplants of mites, mildew and aphids.
ORGANIC GARDENING Nov-Dec 1997 (v.44#8) pg. 72
Dust mites and their role in allergies. Summarizes ways to control the dust mite population in your home.
PRACTICAL HOMEOWNER Feb 1989 (v.4#1) pg. 18