Build a touch tone decoder for remote control of various devices via a computer connected to a telephone. BYTE Dec 1981 (v.6#12) pg. 42
Lightning storm monitor with automatic computer disconnect. Part 2. Telephone monitor accessory lets you turn on a computer from any telephone. COMPUTERCRAFT Jul 1991 (v.1#4) pg. 42
How to use a TR551 or TR2700 telephone responder with a new answering machine (those with call screening) to keep the TR551 from going off the hook. ELECTRONIC HOUSE Nov-Dec 1994 (v.9#6) pg. 55
Phonlink interactive remote control. Use a telephone to control as many as eight devices and monitor as many as eight analog or digital quantities. A built-in speech synthesizer reports all values aurally. Est. cost: $195 (kit). ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1989 pg. 59, 62, 145, 147
Control your home through your telephone using this X-10 compatible system. Est. cost: $135 (kit). ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1991 pg. 151
Remote control device attaches to your telephone and will turn an electric device on or off when you send a special tone over the telephone. Several devices can be controlled separately. ELECTRONICS ILLUSTRATED Jan 1969 (v.12#1) pg. 38
Ring-Thing. Interface between a telephone and an AC power strip allows remote control of any AC-powered device. Use it to power up or power down a PC computer remotely. Est. cost: $90 (kit). Part 1. ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1993 (v.64#1) pg. 55
Ring-Thing. Part 2. ELECTRONICS NOW Feb 1993 (v.64#2) pg. 65
ModCom. Build the Modem Commander, a device to turn a remote computer on (via telephone) when you need access, and automatically shut it off when you're through. Uses a 4-digit code for security. Est. cost: $85 (kit). ELECTRONICS NOW Jan 1997 (v.68#1) pg. 47
Phone Troll. Build a telephone-usage monitor and controller. Keep a running record of every telephone call placed or received. Control other devices with a telephone call. Works in connection with the game port on your PC. Est. cost: $27 (kit). ELECTRONICS NOW Aug 1998 (v.69#8) pg. 42
Telephone trigger. Remote control circuit is activated by two rings of a telephone, followed by a delay of 25-40 seconds, and then two more rings. Use it to remotely control electrical devices. ELEMENTARY ELECTRONICS Mar-Apr 1978 (v.18#2) pg. 33
Telephone remote-control system is used with a standard telephone and remote-control modules (BSR, X-10, Radio Shack, ...). The control system operates when a telephone is taken off-hook and a pre-programmed access code is entered, followed by the device number to be turned on or off. Est. cost: $93. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Jan-Feb 1986 (v.3#1) pg. 69
Phone-controlled night light. Automatically turns on a lamp whenever the telephone rings. Turns off the lamp a few seconds after you hang up the phone. Ideal for a bedside telephone. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1986 (v.3#7) pg. 44
Telephone-activated lamp timer. Device automatically turns on a lamp when it is dark and a phone call is received. Makes it easier to locate a ringing telephone at night. Timer turns off lamp up to 75 seconds after the telephone is hung up. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1987 (v.4#8) pg. 46
Touch tone remote control. How to convert a Touch Tone (DTMF) telephone dialer into a remote-control infrared transmitter and receiver. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1988 (v.5#1) pg. 60
Dual-application telephone security system. Provides both automatic screening of incoming calls (only those with the special code will be allowed through) and remote control of electrically operated devices. Part 1. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 14
Dual-application telephone security system. Part 2. MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1990 (v.7#7) pg. 42
Correction MODERN ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1990 (v.7#11) pg. 9
Access III. A telephone-operated power switch for your computer. Turn on electrical devices remotely using a telephone-tone decoder that controls flip-flops, which are used to activate Triac circuits that apply power to connected devices. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1991 (v.8#6) pg. 53
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1991 (v.8#10) pg. 4
Tele-Computer Controller. Build a circuit that allows you to remotely control home or office appliances and equipment through any touch-tone phone and your computer. Est. cost: $57 (kit). POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1999 (v.16#6) pg. 29
Correction POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Aug 1999 (v.16#8) pg. 17
Transmitter under telephone signals remote receiver whenever the telephone rings. Uses signals transmitted over power lines within your home. POPULAR SCIENCE Jun 1966 (v.188#6) pg. 116
Teleswitch. Remote control switch uses the ring of a telephone to turn electrical appliances on and off. A single ring of a phone activates the circuit. Circuits for turning on a single device or multiple devices are shown. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Apr 1977 (v.48#4) pg. 39
Correction RADIO-ELECTRONICS Nov 1977 (v.48#11) pg. 16
Phonlink interactive remote control. Control and/or monitor up to eight devices from a remote location by telephone. Est. cost: $195. Part 1. How the controller works. RADIO-ELECTRONICS May 1987 (v.58#5) pg. 39
Phonlink interactive remote control. Part 2. Details of the circuit. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jun 1987 (v.58#6) pg. 53, 71, 73
Phonlink II. Now you can telephone home, listen to household voices, and control your lights and appliances using any Touch-Tone telephone. Uses the same plug-in modules as the X-10 remote-control system. An updated version of a 1987 project. Est. cost: $30 (to upgrade) or $220 (build from scratch). Part 1. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1989 (v.60#2) pg. 44, 109, 110
Phonlink II. Part 2. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Mar 1989 (v.60#3) pg. 46