Simple, high-voltage power supply (2000 to 3000 volts) that can be used to operate ultra-low-current devices such as radiation detectors (Geiger tubes and ion chambers) and many vacuum photo-diodes. CQ. THE RADIO AMATEUR'S JOURNAL Jul 1997 (v.53#7) pg. 42
High-voltage projects SPECIAL SECTION. (1) Jacob's ladder. (2) Solid-state Tesla coil. (3) Lightning bulb (an electrical display inside an ordinary light bulb). (4) Stun gun and dazer. (5) Laser power supply. (6) Plasma globe display. (7) High-voltage pulse generator. (8) Kirlian photographs. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1990 pg. 25, 125, 127, 129
Voltage doublers. An easy and inexpensive way to experiment with high voltage. Several circuits and high-voltage experiments are described. ELECTRONICS EXPERIMENTERS HANDBOOK 1993 pg. 119
High-voltage DC generator. Learn how very-high voltages (10,000 volts) are generated from relatively low-power sources. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK 1990 pg. 91
Build a Jacob's Ladder, the climbing electric arc device often used in early science-fiction movies. ELECTRONICS HOBBYISTS HANDBOOK Spring 1994 pg. 65
Build this Jacobs' Ladder and watch electric arcs ascend the ladder and evaporate in space. Works from a clever 12,000-volt power supply. ELECTRONICS NOW Dec 1995 (v.66#12) pg. 27
Two circuits to produce high voltages. (1) Capacitor discharge system using 117-volt AC source. (2) 555 IC timer circuit using low-voltage DC source. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Dec 1986 (v.3#7) pg. 92
A high-voltage pulse generator. Use to create lightning effects, perform Kirlian photography experiments, or play with neon lights. Uses an auto ignition coil. Delivers pulses up to 30,000 volts. Can be adapted for use as an electric fence charger. HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS May 1988 (v.5#5) pg. 28
Correction HANDS-ON ELECTRONICS Aug 1988 (v.5#8) pg. 4
Solid-state, very-high voltage power supply will deliver 10,000 volts at very low amperage. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [1] Apr 1969 (v.30#4) pg. 46
High-voltage generator circuit consists of a squarewave-generator circuit feeding into an automobile-ignition coil. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1989 (v.6#6) pg. 88
Miniature high-voltage DC generator. Learn how to generate very-high voltages from low power sources. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1989 (v.6#10) pg. 37
Violet Ray Generators. How to locate and restore an old high-voltage medical (electrotherapy) device. How to use the device for non-medical high-voltage experiments. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Feb 1990 (v.7#2) pg. 61
Added Info POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1990 (v.7#6) pg. 4
The Wimshurst machine. Introduction to the construction, operation and application of a hand-cranked electrostatic device to produce high-voltages. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Dec 1990 (v.7#12) pg. 29
Create a high-voltage discharge that produces a tornado-like vortex shape and a fireball. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] May 1992 (v.9#5) pg. 55
High-voltage circuits. (1) Power supply to operate fluorescent tubes from a 12-volt source. (2) Combination Hartley oscillator/step-up transformer is used to generate significant negative high-voltage. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jun 1993 (v.10#6) pg. 76
High-voltage output circuit is powered by a 9-volt battery. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1993 (v.10#7) pg. 76
High-voltage project. Circuit for a 20,000-volt inverter that operates from four "C" batteries or equivalent 6-volt source. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Nov 1995 (v.12#11) pg. 76
Build a high-voltage power supply (500 volts AC at 15 kHz) to light a neon tube or in any other high-voltage application. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jul 1996 (v.13#7) pg. 47
Tips on testing an unknown flyback transformer which will be used in a high-voltage power supply. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Jan 1999 (v.16#1) pg. 4
Super-simple high-voltage circuit capable of driving neon or laser tubes utilizes a SIDAC bilateral trigger. POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Apr 1999 (v.16#4) pg. 38
Plasma Saber. Build a hand-held high-voltage source which powers the neon "blade" of this Star War's light saber. Est. cost: $70 (kit). POPULAR ELECTRONICS [2] Oct 1999 (v.16#10) pg. 29
Circuit for a battery-operated high voltage generator which incorporates a transformer. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Feb 1983 (v.54#2) pg. 78
Added Info RADIO-ELECTRONICS Jan 1984 (v.55#1) pg. 94
Voltage doublers. An easy and inexpensive way to experiment with high voltage. RADIO-ELECTRONICS Aug 1991 (v.62#8) pg. 61
Lightning generator will produce 1,000,000-volt volts up to 24" long. Est. cost: $35 to $50. RADIO-TV EXPERIMENTER Jun-Jul 1968 (v.24#3) pg. 51