Tip on correct hose to use with an updraft carburetor on a Volkswagen engine. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Jan-Mar 1990 pg. 3
Troubleshooting the air inlet duct and air-pressure equalization tube on the carburetor of a 1976 Grumman American Cheetah which resulted in an intermittent miss cause by too lean a mixture. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Sep-Nov 1991 pg. 4
How to jet the Bing carburetors on two-stroke engines for top performance. KITPLANES Sep 1992 (v.9#9) pg. 79
The engine clinic. How to adjust the idle mixture control on carburetor-equipped aircraft. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1989 (v.11#5) pg. 23
Troubleshooting tips for an over rich Bendix PS-5C pressure carburetor. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1990 (v.12#2) pg. 19
Troubleshooting a Lycoming O-235-C1 engine which is operating extremely lean and exhibits a power loss below 2,200 rpm. The focus is on an incorrect carburetor. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Aug 1990 (v.12#8) pg. 19
Cleaning your aircraft's carburetor bowl and fuel-inlet screens. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Oct 1990 (v.12#10) pg. 10
How to make seasonal adjustments to your carb idle mixture setting as recommended by Lycoming. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jul 1991 (v.13#7) pg. 19
Cleaning fuel strainers and carburetor screens. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1991 (v.13#12) pg. 16
Carburetor secrets. A short survey of the components found in the basic float carb, and a review of the basic operating principles, should help pave the way to understanding their operation and maintenance. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Sep 1992 (v.14#9) pg. 11
Inside the pressure carburetor. An explanation of how they work and troubleshooting tips. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1995 (v.17#3) pg. 15
Tip on using a VOM to test the operation of a carburetor air temperature probe. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1995 (v.17#4) pg. 21
Those marvelous Marvel Schebler float type carburetors. Theory, operation, and troubleshooting tips. Part 1. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1996 (v.18#3) pg. 10
Those marvelous Marvel Schebler float type carburetors. Part 2. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Apr 1996 (v.18#4) pg. 16
Carburetor airbox overhaul. How to do a thorough inspection and make needed repairs to the heat valve and airbox structure. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1997 (v.19#1) pg. 3
Mixture control. A pilot's guide to the why, when, where and how of mixture control and proper leaning procedures for various fuel delivery systems. Part 1. Intricacies of various carburetors and injection systems described. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jan 1997 (v.19#1) pg. 16
Mixture control. Part 2. Details on the power settings and leaning procedures for each system in the various flight modes (taxi, run-up, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, and landing). LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Feb 1997 (v.19#2) pg. 11
Engine idle basics. How to make your engine purr below 1,200 RPM. The focus is on adjusting carburetors and fuel injection systems. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1998 (v.20#5) pg. 18
Information on problems with float needle valves in Bendix carburetors found on Continental engines from the A-65 series through the C-90 series. SPORT AVIATION Jul 1985 (v.34#7) pg. 37
Carburetor ice. How and when it forms and tips on preventing it. SPORT AVIATION Sep 1990 (v.39#9) pg. 61
Added Info SPORT AVIATION Dec 1990 (v.39#12) pg. 4
A look at conditions known to be favorable for carburetor icing. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Jan 1991 (v.19#1) pg. 21
Carburetor ice. Cause of induction icing, recognizing the problem, and using carburetor heat. VINTAGE AIRPLANE Nov 1994 (v.22#11) pg. 7