Tip on using a plywood "firewall" if an engine is to be stored off the aircraft, but on the engine mount. E.A.A. TECHNICAL COUNSELOR NEWS Spring 1994 pg. 9
Tip on checking for a loose or broken engine mount. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Mar 1994 (v.16#3) pg. 21
How and why to inspect your engine mounts on a regular basis. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE May 1995 (v.17#5) pg. 17
Engine vibration isolators. Troubleshooting and maintenance information on "Lord mounts." LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Jun 1995 (v.17#6) pg. 16
Engine shock mount replacement. LIGHT PLANE MAINTENANCE Dec 1998 (v.20#12) pg. 8
What engine? Bigger is not always better. How to select an appropriate engine for your homebuilt aircraft. Selecting an engine mount (dynafocal or conical). Automobile engine conversions. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1990 (v.39#1) pg. 29
Jigs for a band saw, lathe and vise which facilitate the fabrication of a tubular engine mount for a Lycoming O-235-C1. SPORT AVIATION May 1992 (v.41#5) pg. 62
Guide for cutting tubes to the proper length and shape when fabricating a double canted engine mount. SPORT AVIATION Jan 1993 (v.42#1) pg. 90