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The entries are in alphabetical order by magazine name and then in chronological sequence.
To obtain a copy of any magazine article contact your local public library or the publisher.

xx   BOAT

An explanation of the "deadrise" angle in boat hull design.
BOATING WORLD #99 Apr 1994 pg. 16

Simple tips for dealing with through-the-hull fittings which can help keep your boat afloat.
BOATING WORLD #119 May 1996 pg. 74

Cut straight to the core. A look at the special drilling techniques needed to install through-the-hull fittings in boat hulls that are built using a core material beneath the fiberglass.
BOATING WORLD #124 Dec 1996 pg. 62

Tip on attaching your boat's drain plug to the transom with a length of chain. This will help remind you to install the plug before launching.
BOATING WORLD #124 Dec 1996 pg. 65

Inner knowledge. Everything you need to know about working with cored-hull boats. Understanding what you can and cannot do when installing equipment on a modern fiberglass boat hull (which probably has a core of balsa, foam, or plywood sandwiched between an outer and inner layer of fiberglass).
BOATING WORLD #145 Jan 1999 pg. 88

A study of the ROSE hull, a 20-ft. fiberglass hull class specifically designed to meet the needs of the steam launch hobbyist. Part 1.
STEAMBOATING #30 Nov-Dec 1989 pg. 23

A study of the ROSE hull. Part 2. Commercial production.
STEAMBOATING #31 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 22

A study of the ROSE hull. Part 3. Owner's variations.
STEAMBOATING #32 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 16

Length vs. speed. Analysis of what makes a good steamboat hull.
STEAMBOATING #32 Mar-Apr 1990 pg. 26

A study of the ROSE hull. Part 4. Vessel comparison chart.
STEAMBOATING #33 May-Jun 1990 pg. 18, 35

Steamboating 101. Part 2. Selecting a steamboat hull.
STEAMBOATING #34 Jul-Aug 1990 pg. 36

Steamboat hull designs. Part 1. Construction materials.
STEAMBOATING #35 Sep-Oct 1990 pg. 22

Stability of boat hulls. Intuition vs. facts.
STEAMBOATING #36 Nov-Dec 1990 pg. 10

Steamboat hull design. Part 2. Round-bottomed fantailed hulls.
STEAMBOATING #36 Nov-Dec 1990 pg. 28

Steamboat hull designs. Part 3. The V-bottomed hull.
STEAMBOATING #38 Mar-Apr 1991 pg. 16
Added Info STEAMBOATING #41 Sep-Oct 1991 pg. 49

Steamboat hull designs. Part 4. The flat-bottomed hull.
STEAMBOATING #39 May-Jun 1991 pg. 14

Steamboat hull material choice.
STEAMBOATING #39 May-Jun 1991 pg. 28

Steamboat hull designs. Part 5. Hull materials.
STEAMBOATING #40 Jul-Aug 1991 pg. 30

Steamboat hull designs. Part 6. Hull designers.
STEAMBOATING #41 Sep-Oct 1991 pg. 30

Steamboat hull designs. Part 7. Hull designers (continued).
STEAMBOATING #42 Nov-Dec 1991 pg. 34

Sail and hull performance. An objective comparison of the performance of a wide range of rig types on different hulls.
WOODENBOAT #92 Jan-Feb 1990 pg. 76
Added Info WOODENBOAT #94 May-Jun 1990 pg. 4

Lining off. Properly lined-off planking contributes to a boat's strength and grace. This technique for determining plank lines on lobsterboats can be applied to a variety of hulls.
WOODENBOAT #101 Jul-Aug 1991 pg. 88

Strip-diagonal planking. Building strong hulls with a combination of glued strip and diagonal planking.
WOODENBOAT #112 May-Jun 1993 pg. 91

Checking a boat hull for twist.
WOODENBOAT #116 Jan-Feb 1994 pg. 73

Understanding hull stresses. Mechanics and wood science. Part 1.
WOODENBOAT #125 Jul-Aug 1995 pg. 80
Added Info WOODENBOAT #127 Nov-Dec 1995 pg. 9

Understanding hull stresses. Mechanics and wood science. Part 2.
WOODENBOAT #126 Sep-Oct 1995 pg. 90

Refastening. An in-depth look at the various methods for removing and reinstalling the screws in a boat hull.
WOODENBOAT #135 Mar-Apr 1997 pg. 63
Added Info WOODENBOAT #136 May-Jun 1997 pg. 9

Taking lines from a boat model to create lines drawings for a particular hull. Simple jigs make the job easier.
WOODENBOAT #138 Sep-Oct 1997 pg. 34

Hull caulking expert shares his knowledge of tools and techniques.
WOODENBOAT #141 Mar-Apr 1998 pg. 40

A slight problem with the seams. (1) How to modify a small router to remove hardened putty from boat hull seams without damaging either the plank edges or the caulking cotton. (2) How to cleanly apply replacement caulk to the seams.
WOODENBOAT #145 Nov-Dec 1998 pg. 53